Chapter Forty-One

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Peeta POV-

Sound asleep.

I walk in to find her sound asleep, her face buried into the pillow.

I sit down, watching her back rise and fall with every breath.

I can't believe she thought I was going breaking up with her.

I smile to myself.

She looks so happy when she sleeps.

I stand up and walk over to her.

I lean down, not being able to help myself.

I press a kiss to her cheek and
I head back downstairs, gently closing her bedroom door.

"Is she coming?" Prim asks me.

"She's actually still sleeping. I thought I would let her sleep until dinner was ready." I say.

"Are you going to tell us good news even if she hasn't gotten up yet?"

I shrug, "I don't know."

Prim nods, "Katniss was crying earlier because she was afraid you were breaking up with her. That's not it, right?"

I shake my head, "No, Prim. I promise that's not it." I assure her.




"Have you noticed Katniss has been kind of upset lately?" I decide to ask her.

She notices when she was kind of mad a few weeks ago so I'm sure she's noticed this.

"Yeah. That's what I've been saying this whole time and you said she was just stressed."

"I think she is stressed but she won't tell me why. Has she mentioned anything to you about what it could be?" I ask her hopelessly.

I've tried and tried for weeks upon weeks with no response.

Don't get me wrong. Some days she is fine but other days, my heart aches at how unhappy she seems.

I hope it has nothing to do with me because I've been doing my very best.

"No." Prim says, shaking her head.

I sigh, "Well, maybe tonight will fix it." I say hopefully.

About an hour later, Katniss is still sleeping so I decide I am gonna go wake her up so we can have dinner because it's already 7.

Plus, I am itching to tell her about our vacation too.

I walk up the stairs and find Katniss awake, just staring at the wall.

"Katniss?" I ask, sitting down on her bed.

"Why are you doing that?" I ask her with a laugh.

She doesn't respond to me so I take her chin and turn it so she is facing me but she refuses to look into my eyes.

"Katniss, you know you wanna look at me." I say, trying to get her to smile.

I see a little smile hidden on her face but she quickly pushes it away.

"What's the matter?" I ask her, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

Katniss gets tears in her eyes.

"Everything is alright and if it's not, I'll fix it. Why are you so upset?" I ask her, so confused.

She takes a few deep breaths and then replies, "I am failing."

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