Chapter Eighty-Two

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Katniss POV-

"Then what do you want to do?" I ask him with a laugh.

"I don't know, let's just talk." He says, walking over to his side of the bed.

"M'kay." I say stripping off my outer clothes.

I climb into bed in my bra and panties.

He freezes and gives me a look. 

"Don't be awkward. Just deal with it." I say.

He sighs and strips from his clothes, putting on pajama pants.

"Dang, you are hot." I tell him.

Peeta laughs, "Alright..."

"You are." I say truthfully.

I always knew he had a nice body under there but I never actually saw it until recently and boy, he's perfect.

"Do you feel weird?"

"About what?"

"Laying in bed with me while I'm in my underwear and you not having a shirt on."


"You sure?"

"I'm over it. It was gonna happen eventually so it was better to get it over with the first night but I'm fine now."

Peeta lays down on the bed, leaning up against the headboard, his hands supporting his head and feet crossed.

"You're cute." I say laughing and sitting criss crossed next to him.

"I know." Peeta says, primping.

He bats his eyelashes and makes a kissy face.

"You're an idiot too." I say, throwing my pillow at him.

"I know, but I'm your idiot." He smiles and throws the pillow back at me.

"One of the thousands of reasons why I love you." I say and lay down next to him, copying his relaxed position.

"You're cute." He says and I mimic his primping.

Peeta laughs and wraps his arm around me.

He pulls my chest close to his bare one and halfway hovers over me, causing my face and entire being to feel all warm.

I kiss the tip of his nose, "What are we going to talk about?" I ask him after a second.

"How about the dreaded subject of our one day marriage?" He says, getting off of me.

My eyes grow wide and I shift my body so that I am on my stomach, looking up at Peeta.

"Okay but just so you know, it's not dreaded. Just dreaded when other people mention it." I say truthfully.

I really do love the thought of us getting married and when Peeta thinks it is time to make that decision, I'll be ready.

"So..." I ask him slowly.

"I don't know really. All I know is everyone is waiting on it to happen and I want it to happen when we are both ready not when everyone else is ready. Don't get me wrong, I am ready anytime that you are but I want us to have time to get closer and I want you to live your life." He says.

There he goes, always thinking of me before himself.

"That is sweet but I'm serious. I love the idea but only when you're ready." I tell him.

"I haven't even actually proposed to you yet and people keep asking." He says, laughing.

I smile,"I know but maybe one day, you'll wake up and feel the time is right. And you just do it because I'm ready when you are." I say confidently.

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