Chapter Ninety-One

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Peeta POV-

Katniss said 'yes.'

I am going to marry my best friend and the girl of my dreams.

Katniss Everdeen is no longer my girlfriend, she is my fiancée.

She is my soon-to-be wife.

I am the happiest man in the world right now and I know she is happy too.

Here we are, sitting on the sand in District Four's beach.

The water as blue as the sky is during the day and there seems to be no horizon as the sea and sky never seem to meet.

The sand is warm from the burning sun beaming down from above and there is a slight breeze.

I look next to me to see Katniss in her orange sundress and I can see her green bikini under it.

She is sitting next to me, her legs pulled up to her chin, looking off into the distance.

She doesn't even realize that I am staring at her.

And she is just so effortlessly beautiful.

Every single strand of hair and even the shape of her face is just perfect.

Katniss is flawless.

Not only is she very pleasing to the eye but her personality makes her who she is, well, her heart.

She cares so deeply for people, whether she will admit it or not and I love that about her.

She has been through so much so far and she's still so young.

Despite it all, she smiles the brightest.

The ones who have gone through so much tragedy, the ones you would think wouldn't be smiling, smile the most.

I see this with Katniss.

She lost her father at such a young age, then basically lost her mother for awhile, she told me she never use to smile but I doubt that.

Being a little girl herself, she was left to take care of an even littler girl, Prim, who she soon lost too.

Every second she spent of her own life for a long while was spent caring for Prim and for her to die, all that time is nothing but a memory and it's never going to come back.

Katniss lost so much of her own time caring for others and I love her because she doesn't mind.

She doesn't care that she lost those days that she could've been hanging out with her friends or doing things for herself. She doesn't care because Katniss, cherishes every single second she gets, no matter what it is and I love her for that.

I know that she's had her doubts about living post-tragedy but she's made it and Katniss may want to give up sometimes but she never has.

Katniss is determined for success and happiness and I will give her that.

We will build it together.

I remember when we were in school, just a few months ago even, she would always help out the other kids and when she helped out me in the beginning, even though in reality, she was in a funk and didn't want to.

She is always doing something for others.

I remember when I was one of those kids, when I was one of the many people she helped and still continues to help.

I know that she will always continue to help me and whoever needs it too and I guess that's one of the millions of reasons why I fell in love with her so quickly.

I remember the first day that I met her, she was upset because she didn't want to be anyone else's friend and none of her friends were in her classes, I tried to befriend her and she kept pushing me away.

Finally, she gave in and became my friend, actually she became my best friend in less than a week.

She gave in because she has such a big heart that being rude to anyone, even if she was having a rough time was just ludicrous, even if she wanted to be rude.

"What?" Katniss asks, breaking me from my deepest thoughts.

She smiles and looks down at the sand, picking up a handful and funnels it through her fingers seconds later she looks back up, still waiting for an answer.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful." I say.

Katniss gives me a crooked smile, "Thank you." She whispers softly.

"You know, you're the only reason that I actually started believing it." She says softly.

I look up.

"What?" I ask her, slightly confused.

"I never believed that I was beautiful or that I deserved love and respect until I met you." She says softly and takes my hand in hers.

"I'm glad that you believe it. It is nothing but the truth." I say back and look down at our intertwined fingers and her rings.

"Thank you, Peeta." She says and my heart beats quicker when she says my name.

Every. Single. Time.

I give her a sad smile and remember the days when she was so insecure.

I remember how she wouldn't wear her favorite clothes to school because she wasn't confident in herself and they weren't showy or anything, just nice clothes but she wouldn't wear them.

She wore things that didn't bring attention to herself.

I began to assure her that she looked perfect and slowly she began wearing her favorite clothes, the brightly colored fabrics or the dressier ones too.

The clothes she was never confident enough to wear and she did it with a big, beautiful smile.

I also encouraged and reminded her of her beauty on days she didn't dress up because to me, assurance then is even more important.

I loved helping her break out of her shell a bit.

Helping someone you love become a better person while becoming a better person yourself is amazing. And letting them know things about themselves that you see but they don't.

Helping them be who they are.

Helping them show their beautiful, smart and amazing selves to the world.

Suddenly, Katniss, out of no where, jumps up.

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