I got caught

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I was sitting on the bed in our room
One day when I heard Tyra talking with her parents on the phone they were supposed to be coming today and Tyra was nervous to tell them she adopted a kid . When she hung up I asked in a small voice if they were still coming today ? She said yes sweetie they are . Are you nervous they won't like you she asked me gently? Yes in fact I am . No worries kiddo they will but in case not it only matters that I love you she said rubbing my hair.

Two hours later her parents came .

They asked Tyra who's the kid.

Mom and dad I adopted her . Her name is Missy she's 15 years old she's so sweet and cute and I love her to death .

Wow Missy  you're a burden on our daughter.

I ran out of the house . Tyra ran after me finally she caught up to me . I just broke down . Tyra started rubbing my back and she said you're not a burden . You are the cutest, sweetest person I've ever met and if it makes you feel any better I told my parents off before I came running after you . I started to laugh a little. Then I realized I was still at the park on the grass . Tyra can we please go home now . Of course kid she said laughing . We went home and her parents apologized to me for being rude and disrespectful. Being kind I forgave them but I didn't want to. I knew at that point it was the right thing to do .

Tyra  banks adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now