Illegal things

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Two weeks later it just went back to the same old . Where York would cry for Tyra constantly. So I was at my wits end and decided to do some things to get attention.
1 shoplifting
2 dating more than one guy.

Finally I did something so illegal the police caught me and I was arrested .
They asked for Tyra's phone number so I gave it to them . This is the conversation.

P Hello is this Tyra Lynne Banks .
T Yes who is this ?
P This is the police .
P Please come pick up Missy
T I'm on my way .

As soon as I got a call from the police saying to pick Missy up from the police station I was devastated, angry and disappointed. I couldn't believe my angel had done something illegal .

As we drove home through the night I didn't know what to say to Missy I was speechless.

Missy's POV
The silence was finally too much for me .
Tyra  I'm sorry I said in a soft voice .

Missy I don't even know where to begin right now she said .
Aren't you going to yell at me I asked ?
No I'm not going to yell at you I'm just extremely disappointed in you right now Missy.

Sorry Missy said as she started to cry .
Sweetie  why did you do all those illegal things I asked Softly ?
To get attention she told me .
I now realized she just did all of this to make sure that I hadn't completely stopped paying attention to her.
My heart broke all the sudden .
I could never forget about you sweetheart.
Obviously after what she had told me I didn't know how to punish her.
I've never had to Punish her ever anyway being that she rarely did anything to get in trouble.

Just so you know Missy I'm not going to punish you but it's going to take a while to get my trust back .

Missy's POV
Tyra was right it's been three weeks and she still didn't fully trust me . I hope that by tomorrow she trusts me again . It's not like Tyra to hold a grudge like this . I did do something extremely wrong though so I wouldn't be surprised if it took years to get her trust back .
Next day I was in the dining room doing homeschool when Tyra wasn't looking I cheated . Unfortunately she saw me .

Wow Missy I really thought you wanted my trust back but clearly after what just happened you don't .
Tyra got up from the table and said I'm not even surprised.

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