Fair deals

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Veronica two years old.
Precious four days old.

Me 18 Tyra wanted me to act like a role model but I couldn't. I couldn't. Tyra sat on the bed with me. I'm not what you want me to be or anything that you want me to be I said through tears. Tyra looked at my face she lifted my chin with her finger. You are exactly what I want from you. You've done bad things but of course you own them you do your best everyday. Of course I'm proud of you and who you are. Precious crawled into the room. Hi baby Tyra said kisses sweetie. Precious was a kisser. I love all my girls I thought maybe out loud. Tyra chuckled I love you kid. I'll hold Veronica and you hold precious and we can post a picture on Instagram I said. Tiffany took a picture of us. How the heck did you get here easy I opened the door. Tyra chuckled. Tyra captioned our picture. My three girls are blessings we have been good bad and even worse but at the end of the day I love my girls so much they mean the world to me and beyond I am so proud of them and believe they can do whatever they want to do. Comments came and they weren't so nice.
Missy is a burden.
Missy stinks.
Dare you love Missy.
Missy can go * herself.
I wanted to cry.
I'm going live and tweeting it too what I'm about to say.
Clearly you didn't realize from the last time that I meant don't pick on her I'm very disappointed in my fans that act like this Tyra was so upset she wanted to cry. A fan texted Tyra's phone number. I'm sorry that a lot of fans are so horrible you have beautiful girls and Missy is such a sweet girl.

Carly sweetheart you are the best. I'm not disappointed in you. You are a very sweet and beautiful girl. Tyra I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you baby girl. Tyra can I hug you. Of course you can. I was in Tyra's arms. I would never let anything bad happen to you.

Tyra  banks adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now