Uh oh and heck nos

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Tyra picked me up and sat me in between her legs as she wrapped her arms around me. Honey she said softly. Am I in trouble. Not at all I just want to talk to you a little bit. You're 16 now and you might be getting girl problems soon so don't worry when it happens just come to me and I'll do anything you need me to. Heck no disgusting. Tyra let out a sweet and small chuckle. I hate that. It makes you a women . I don't want to be a women. Honey you'll always be my baby. No Mariah Carey reference intended she said after she said that. I cracked up.

Next day
I had the problems omg Tyra I hate you I yelled from the bathroom. I came out Tyra laughed a little I know you don't mean that. My baby is a women now she said kissing me. I kissed her back. My baby girl I'm sorry it hurts for a few days.

Tyra  banks adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now