Tyra hits missy

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Don't go to crazy Ty I warned Tyra before she went out to the party. She scooped me up and chuckled I'm in love with you Missy she said. She went into the shower and then came out in the most beautiful dress ever. I think I'm in love I said staring down Tyra's dress. You can borrow it for the oscars next week. Omg please? Of course you know I'll do anything for you now I have to go baby but I'll be home at ten. It was 10:30 and Tyra came strolling in. Hello I said it's past ten I missed you. So she said sort of nasty? I missed you. Shut up. God are you hammered tonight? That's when Tyra slapped me across the face pretty hard and I remember just wrestling to the ground. It was morning now and Tyra was right next to me. Tyra looked so sweet when I remembered what happened please don't hit me I said. Tyra looked at me with tears in her eyes I never meant to hurt you I was so drunk. Look at me let me wipe off the boo boo. What happened I asked softly. I got so defensive because I was so drunk. Did I disappoint you I asked softly? No of course I'm not disappointed in you. Missy I can never be disappointed in you for trying to figure out how to help me. Did you drink because of me am I a burden? No honey you aren't. We only wrestled for two minutes if that makes you feel better. I wish we didn't. I'm not mad at you. I'm a good girl I said. You are my good girl. I just wish it was the way it was when I first came here. It is right now. Tyra and I hugged it out.

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