Handling you

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Joseph and I were making out in my bed. Tyra walked in OMG. Joseph ran out Tyra wrestled me. She sat up after a few minutes. Running her fingers through her hair she looked like she could cry. Tyra walked out of the room. It's been two weeks Tyra wasn't talking to me at all. I went to the hospital with Tiffany and I found out I was pregnant with triplets. Tyra already hates me if I call her or text her about this she will disown me we haven't talking in weeks.

Missy. Tyra I'm sorry about our fight and me making out with your lover but I am having triplets and I need you so bad now.

Tyra. I'm extremely disappointed in you however I will be over there in a few minutes.

I started to cry in the bed Tyra's disappointed in me Tiffany.

Tiffany as she has a right to be.

I cried harder.
Tyra walked in

I'm disappointed in you Missy.
I'm sorry.
Tyra sat next to me. Are they boys girls or both?
All boys.
Awww what were you going to name them?

Tyra  banks adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now