Tyra's POV Missy and I sepreate

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OW I SHOUTED wrestling around with Missy again. I hate her I said storming out of the house. After saying I'M NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN.

Missy's POV
Tyra and I had an out but she was serious this time she didn't want to talk to me ever again.
I've been crying every night for the past two years within those two years I have really changed a lot and transformed waiting for Tyra to answer me. I went on twitter and saw

I'm going to be signing tomorrow in the Barnes and nobles in Cali. I knew where that was I was going to crash.


Tyra's POV
I'm in Barnes and nobles in California closest to my mansion with Missy. Eww I just said her name okay fine I do miss her a little but not enough to go home.

Next I said when a girl came up to me and I said hi what's your wait Missy. Sissy she said cuddling into me I heard in her voice that she was trying not to cry. Baby I said show me your arms. You've been cutting I can tell. Missy  I said you're better than this. Sissy Missy kept saying. Shh shh I'll come home baby. You have to promise me no more petty fights between us pinky. I'm sorry Tyra.

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