Poor baby

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Are you okay honey I asked Missy. She couldn't even speak to me. All the sudden she started puking in the bathroom for three hours. I took her temperature 120. Another hospital visit I thought upset to see my girl so upset. I called 911 she fainted. I was crushed to see her like this. I laid in the hospital with her. I was devastated to see her cry. I cuddled with her I got her a lot of water. The nurse took her temperature but it hadn't went down not even a little bit. Poor baby I said kissing her nose yes I was taking a risk getting sick for my baby. I love you I said to her hoping she could speak to me. I'm disappointed in the fact I can't hug her because she will freak I said to the nurse. Poor girl is sick and tired. She's never going to go to sleep. I kissed her forehead gently making sure not to disturb her from watching her favorite TV shows. Good job baby I said kissing her face panicking she would get mad at me. Finally Missy spoke to me and said kiss me again. Of course I'll give you as many kisses you want me to give to you. Very beautiful girl she was even in her mental state I was amazed how pretty my girl was. She doesn't even know what pretty is I said to the nurse gently. I love you Missy girl. She spoke again and said I want to cuddle. I gave her a hug and I wrapped my arms around her. She rested into my chest I took my wig off knowing it was too rough of a feel for her. I love you baby. We are so close I don't want to let you down baby girl.

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