Why would you do that

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I was so done with York's crying so I told him to BE QUIET MISTER. That made him cry harder . Tyra was not amused either. Missy why on earth would you do that ? So he would shut up . I'm going to put York down for a nap and then You and I are going to have a talk . I knew I was in trouble now .

Tyra Missy I get the impression you hate the baby .
M I don't hate the baby I just don't appreciate the loud crying .
T Are you sure it's just the crying ?
M No.
T That's what I thought .
M What ?
T You still feel like I'm not paying attention to you.
M Yes.
T May I remind you that you still don't have my full trust.
M I know that.
T Please just don't yell at the baby again .
M Yes mam .

The baby cried harder the next day so I told him if he can't be quiet then I'll go in my room and ignore him and his obnoxious outburst.

Which is exactly what I did .
Chris came in my room .

Hi Chris can I help you. ?
C Yes.
C I think Tyra needs to talk to you.
M Am I in trouble?

M Tyra
T Hi Babe I Need to tell you something.
M Don't tell me let me guess !
T Kiddo  chill.
M Sorry  .
T No worries .
T I'm taking you to the Mall today .
M I hugged her .
M Yay we can hang out again .
M Do I have your trust back .
T Yes Honey you do.

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