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Tyra and I were both upset with each other from something that happened the night before . All we did was scream and wrestle around. Finally I just went into the room. Tyra called Rebecca because soon Tyra and Rebecca were both in the room whispering. I was crying because I felt like a no good kid.

Rebecca's POV
Tyra's upset with Missy but wanted to cuddle her and coddle her and I said don't because she needs to learn that what she did was wrong

Tyra's POV
I am so angry with Missy but seeing her cry hurt my heart. I went to comfort her but Rebecca said don't coddle her what she did was wrong. I can't do this Rebecca that's my baby girl upset. Usually when she's upset I'll try and make her feel all better.

Rebecca Tyra don't cry.
Tyra I can't help it I'm upset.

Rebecca took me into her house so I didn't have to watch or hear Missy cry.

Missy's POV
Tyra's gone

Tyra I'm really sorry about the fight and I'm sorry that you probably are very angry and disappointed I just want you to know I love you so much and I didn't mean for this to happen.

Tyra's POV
I came home to see Missy left me a note on the door. I wrote one back to her

Missy I'm sorry too baby girl I'm not angry anymore I love you with all my heart okay baby girl no worries I will always be here for you darling.

Tyra's POV continued

I went in the room put the note on the bed to see Missy was asleep. I kissed her head gently and left.

Missy I woke up to see Tyra saw my note and write a note back to me I was relieved.

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