I don't love him

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A few weeks later Baby York was born . I was not fond of his crying loudly and his snoring . What I disliked the most was when he cried he got Tyra's attention . I didn't like him at all he was obnoxious to take her attention away from me . By the way I'm not jealous just mad . Chris came over and played with me . Honey are you jealous of York . No Chris I'm not I don't have any jealous bones in my body . Why don't you like him then ? I just feel like Tyra and I haven't talked at all for three days . Three days is a long time for me . Oh I get it now . Missy Tyra called me I put York down for a nap honey so we can hang out now if you want to . I ran and hugged her . Can we go out to the mall I asked ? Of course we can honey . Chris said he will make sure that baby York stays asleep.

Finally we arrived to the mall and just went into every store and had such a good time together unfortunately it's been five hours and we had to head home . Hopefully we can do this again soon I said . Of course sweetie she told me she hugged harder then before?

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