I started a public fight

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Tyra and I were shopping in Walmart. When two girls came up to us and said Missy should go **** herself. Tyra was getting angry.

Tyra's POV
I was angry two girls told my baby girl to go **** herself. What did you say? We said... I yelled I HEARD YOU. They pushed my baby down. I was so angry. I jumped on the both of them. I wrestled both of them while Missy stood there in complete shock. I was pulled off of them from security. I had a black eye and a scratched up face. Tyra I love you said Missy . I love you too nothing is going to happen to you in my power. Missy and I were pleased to find out the two girls were arrested. I was in a lot of pain though. Missy kissed the biggest scratch on my arm. I sat Missy on my lap. Though matter what happens between us she's my sister and I love her. Not just because I have to, because I want to. I kissed the beautiful girls face and kissed her chest softly.

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