Quite the impression

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Tyra can I talk to you? You can always talk to me. Do you remember the first time you came to the orphanage. No baby girl can you talk to me about it? I was five. That was so long ago.
I was lonely sitting there and the older girls didn't like me. I remember you came to me and said I love you you're gorgeous. Now I remember it more Tyra said. You started crying so I picked you up and we cuddled. I remember finding the razors in your room and I remember you and I sleeping together that night your body was sculpted into my body and I was very in love with you but I couldn't have the responsibility of a child. I admired you but no one knew I had posters of you I found in magazines. I remember seeing the posters. I love you babe. For the first time in a longtime I smiled. Tyra called me babe. I love you too sissy. Tyra? Kelsey Veronica and Precious mean the same to me I would never love any of you girls less then the others.

Tyra  banks adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now