I Hurt

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What I'm about to write isn't supposed to offend anyone in any way.

One day when I went shopping with Tyra I asked her to buy me a razor so she did .

A few days later I was just waking up from a nap . Tyra was laying on the bed with me as she took my arm I winced . Then she asked the dreaded question what's the matter ? Nothing . Missy I will tackle you down to find out what's going on right now . Okay then let's go then . She just rolled up my sleeves. Missy these are scars . When did you start cutting ? Three days ago. Why ? I just had a lot of bad memories trapped inside my brain and heart . Whatever is hurting your heart you can tell me . It would be easier and more safer . I love you kid and I don't want to see anymore scars on you. With that she kissed my scars . Then I fell back asleep on her chest . She fell asleep too but when we both woke up Tiffany had come over and taken a few pictures of us together .

Tyra Tiffany when did you get here ?
Tiffany four hours ago .
Tyra laughed babe .
Ty Why are you here btw?
Ti Just because the rest of my family is on vacation and I felt lonely .

Wait why didn't you go with them?
They didn't want me there.
You can stay here babe Tyra said.

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