Just a fight

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Tyra was kissing my face when I woke up. Hi I said. Hi baby. As you know John is coming over with his daughter Kelsey today.

A few months later.
John and Tyra got married. I was acting up because there was another baby in the house. Tyra was so exhausted from taking care of four of us while John was at work. I didn't make matters much better. Tyra and I got into small arguments. Finally one day I yelled you shouldn't have gotten another baby you are so stupid. Tyra wrestled me to the ground. As we wrestled Kelsey walked in and cried because she was scared. John came home and felt the tension between Tyra and I. I'm done Tyra shouted. Tyra's in a tizzy I shouted at her. She mumbled I hate you to me and walked out. I hate you too I said quietly can't believing what just happened. John said I'm guessing you guys got into an argument. No it was worse it was the first falling out we ever had. I'm sure she'll come back and you'll make up. Sissy I started to cry when it was bed time realizing that it wouldn't be a good night for me because it was my fault we were in a falling out. I can't sleep without saying sorry to sissy. John called Tyra. Tyra shouted I wouldn't talk to Missy if we were alone on earth. I know I disappointed Tyra so badly but she doesn't she really doesn't love me. I cried all night. Finally went to sleep. I woke up to see a note. Sissy I said crying.

I'm sorry about our fight I love you honey more than anything, I promise I'll be cheering you on at your dance recital today I'm so proud of you. I'm at the store trying to buy you the perfect flowers.

John's POV
I'm here with my best friend Mickey.
We wrote a note making it look like it was from Tyra. Realizing we didn't check to make sure Tyra was coming to Missy's dance recital making Missy think that she was. Tyra. Hi Tyra said with her beautiful sweet raspy voice. Did you just wake up I asked. Yes. Are you coming to Missy's dance recital today. No I still hate her. You don't hate her though you guys are just in a fight. We kind of told her you would be there. How? We wrote a note telling her that. What were you thinking Tyra started yelling?!!! We weren't. I'm very disappointed in you guys. Like what you are doing is any better you won't go to your baby girls last show. Missy's going to be so disappointed in you Tyra. Tyra wiped a few tears away. Okay fine I'll try.

John and Mickey's POV.

Having to explain the truth to Missy was going to be heartbreaking.

Missy Tyra's not coming. We wrote that note to you just so you felt happy. Sissy's not coming Missy said sounding very sad. Unfortunately not. Missy cried harder then we thought she would.

Missy's POV
I think they are just playing Tyra will come. My solo was the second to last solo and while I was doing it Tyra was nowhere in sight. I started thinking of the fight and forgot my dance and ran off.


Oh no don't cry you did fabulous for what you did remember. I'm sure Tyra would be so proud of you.

Tyra's POV
I finally got into the theater when I heard sobs. I thought that sounds like Missy. OH MY GOD it is Missy. I ran backstage. Shh shh I said picking Missy up from John's Lap. Shh it's okay. Don't tell me she forgot. Oh yeah John said major forgot. Shh don't cry I am so proud of you. I'm sorry I wasn't hear sooner I got stuck in bad traffic and this is two hours away. It's okay. You know I really don't hate you I could never though matter what you say though matter what you do I'll always love you. Do you love me too? Yes. That's my girl. I promise you even though you drive me crazy I would never want anyone else to love so much. Missy chuckled. There's my girls smile. I love you Tyra Missy said. I love you too. You're my girl forever. I Kissed Missy as we drove home I held her in my arms as John was driving my car and Mickey had John's car.

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