Just a baby

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Tyra warmed up a bottle for precious. Then she asked if I would feed the bottle to precious. I throw the bottle on the ground. Precious started to cry at the top of her lungs. Tyra rushes in picked up the bottle and started scolding me. She's just a baby I said angrily. I'm very disappointed in you Missy Tyra said. Aww it's okay precious Missy's just upset she didn't mean to throw your bottle on the ground. I went on the couch and started texting Lila. Tyra is so disappointed in me.

Lila What did you do?
Missy I threw the baby's bottle on the ground.
Lila Why?
Missy IDK I'm so sorry.
Lila I'm not the one you should apologize to.

I'm sorry Tyra I'm sorry so so sorry.
Tyra yelled at me a little. YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THIS.
Tyra also sat down on the couch next to me.
Look kid she said gently you are a good kid why are you doing this?
I miss you sissy.
Tyra I'm going to try to have some time with you later tonight. I pinky swear that I will do anything you want. Veronica Toddled in. Hi baby girl Tyra said giving her a huge kiss on the forehead. Precious crawled in. Come here lovey dovey. Precious crawled to Tyra and she lifted her up and put her on the other side of her lap. Veronica was starting to get a little upset that Tyra was paying more attention to Precious and not her. Precious climbed off of Tyra's lap and Veronica tackled her. Tyra they are going to get hurt they are little I said. No worries this is just Veronica's way of saying she's angry she's not getting attention. Veronica started to get more torturous with Precious she was scratching her started to wrestle her. Precious started to cry. Tyra put Veronica in time out for three minutes. Yeah she got you good when she scratched you I said. I put precious down for a nap. Tyra sat Veronica on her lap and started talking to her. Why did you bully your baby sister? I'm sorry I'm only two. Tyra hugged her I love you. No more fighting with your sister okay? Yes mama. That's my girl.

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