Mall time

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As Tyra drove me to the mall she had said that she was happy we could do this together because it's been so long . I said it's only been three weeks but it did feel longer then that . Ten minutes later we arrived.
We went into Macy's , Justice . Claire's . Then Tyra convinced me to go into the Rainforest Cafe. I was scared to be honest the noise bothered me a lot with my ear sensitivity. I liked it at the same time because it was very exotic and beautiful. All the sudden the rain storms started I jumped out of my seat . Tyra held my hand and said it's okay sweetie . 30 seconds later I was fine again then we left the mall . When we arrived back home I went to take a nap . Secretly I was on an online website talking to older boys . Chris walked in the room and he was shocked . Missy you are going to have to tell Tyra . All I said was I'll tell her tonight.

Tyra I said later that night I'm sorry if what I'm about to tell you makes you hate me forever.

Missy I could never hate you.

I've been online talking to older boys I know how dangerous that is I just need you to help me get threw this .

She started rubbing my back as she said she knows how to cancel my account. Thank goodness she did .

Are you mad at me?
No way .
Thank gosh .
I'll always forgive you about problems like this baby she said gently.

Tyra  banks adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now