Fragile fighting

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I love you Tyra. I love you too honey. Don't go. Mike is going to come take care of you.

Every night I texted Tyra.

Hey baby girl I miss you so much I'll be home in two days.

Two days later.

The garage door opened. I nearly tackled Tyra. For some reason Tyra was acting a little weird. Like she's not happy but is trying to hide it.

Tyra I asked why are you unhappy?
For some reason that ticked her off.

Tyra probably didn't meant to raise her voice at me. I ruined it though I went to hug her to make her feel a little bit better but she wrestled me to the ground as we were fighting. I started to get upset. Tyra got off of me and said I know what you did and I'm very disappointed in you about it.

Oh no she found out I had sex with Mike. Mike was her boyfriend.

I didn't like when Tyra was disappointed in me I needed to talk to her about this.

Leave me alone you ruin all my relationships.

Tyra I want to talk to you about it.

Tyra opened the door. I'm angry and I'm disappointed but I don't hate you. I just need some time alone. I sat on the floor outside the door crying. I finally went on the couch and just cried harder. I fell asleep. I felt a blanket being put on me and a kiss was placed on my head. I love you Tyra I said. I love you too honey. You're my baby forever.

Tyra  banks adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now