Halloween PT 1 [H20Vanoss OhmToonz]

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This is a request, but I'd like to say... sorry for all the h20vanoss and OhmToonz... I know I write a lot of it. It's just my top two ships and I love them dearly. Sorry if it annoys you.

Requested by @CryWorks3 

A Halloween party were they dress up and shot, that's basically what they wanted.


over 1000 words

alcohol use


"WHOS READY FOR A HALLOWEEN PARTY!?" Jon yelled as he bust opened Evan's front door, Luke and Ryan by his side, Evan laughed as he rested his side against his staircase rail.

They all laughed at Jons sudden our burst.

"It's not until like, a few more hours Jon, calm down we still have to get ready."

Evan said closing the door behind the three boys.

"Time to finally tell each other what were going as!"  Jon said clasping is hands together with a wide grin on his face.

They all rushed up the stairs into Evan's room, his room was always clean, hashtag neat freak.

Jon sat beside Evan on the bed and Ohm jumped onto the bean bag chair and Luke crashed on top of him.

"I called dibs loser!" 

"fuck you Luke you had it last time we came over!"

They argued over the bean bag chair while Jon looked at Evan with stars and hearts in his eyes, Evan was too busy laughing at the two fighting teens.

"okay you two stop it!" Evan laughed, Luke ended up having Ryan sit on his lap, Jon knew his best friend likes Ryan so he gave him a quick thumbs up making Luke roll his eyes.

"so, what are you going as tonight?" Jon asked everyone

"I'm going as a basic red devil" Luke said pulling a plastic bag out of his back pack with his costume in it.

"Ryan?  what about you?"

"A bunny!" Ryan said as he also pulled a bag out of his back pack.

"I'm going as an owl magician " Evan said taking his costume out of the closet, everyone laughed at his weird costume, Evan laughed too.

"what about you Jon?"

"JASON!" Jon pulled out a Jason mask, it looked identical to the ones in the movies.

everyone was chatting as the one at a time got changed and walked in so everyone could gawk at the amazing costumes.

Luke left the room and came back soon, wearing his black and red devil costume, it wasn't much just a cool design and a devil tail and some devil horns. 

Ryan's face went a little red seeing Luke in such a body hugging outfit.

Evan left next and came back, just a normal tux with a want and an owl mask, and some party trick tools in his pockets, Jon clapped his hands real loud, and a ton.... like even after everyone stopped admiring his costume.

Ryan went next, he came back into the room with a grey tux jacket on, bunny ears and a fluffy tail attached to his black pants, under his jacket he was wearing no shirt.

Luke's face went bright red after Ryan opened his jacket revealing his stomach and abdomen, Luke's face went ten times redder when Ryan pointed out his little tail, the pants hugged Ryan's butt perfectly making Luke's nose almost bleed.

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