SCP-1581-3 [OhmToonz]

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almost 2000 words

(btw scp 1581-3 isn't a real scp, so don't search for it lol)

((also also, if you can figure out why I picked 1581-3 I'll dedicate a one shot to you! <3))


"I heard this one's pretty scary" 

the man in the lab coat walked over to a window and frowned.

"dangerous? doctor I thought you knew nothing scares me, I've seen to many of these things."

"Doctor Luke, please it's object class is euclid, you shouldn't go in there, we don't know what it does yet!"

The taller doctor backed away from the window and slapped the other doctor, causing him to drop his clipboard.

the taller one picked the clipboard up and scanned the page.

"theres nothing here but a number and a class!"

"I-I told you Luke, we have no clue what it does! we were assigned it!"

"why would they give us a new SCP? thats not our job!"

the shorter doctor flinched away when Luke walked passed him ans stood in front of the window again.

"unlock the door"

"Doctor Luke no, I-I can't do that!"

Luke turned and glared at the smaller doctor who flinched and backed away

"it-it's a death wish!"

"well then it's mine, unlock the fucking door Dr. Jonathan."

the shorter doctor shook his head no, which caused Luke to walk over and slap him to the ground.

"doctor please!"

"I order you to stay and write what happens, report it to the head office"


Luke stood in front of the heavy iron door which slowly opened, then shut quickly after Luke stepped in the dark room.

Jonathan turned the microphone on and turned the lights on

"SCP-1581-3, are you able to speak english?"

the lights flickered as the SCP turned around to reveal a short brunette male, with green eyes he was shaking and had fear written all over his face.

Luke's eyes widened, confused as to why this creature is not the class of safe, confused as to why the higher ups gave him this SCP to check out.

"SCP-1581-3, can you understand english?"

the SCP stepped closer to Luke, his eyes a nice pine tree green.

"I can spe-speak english"

Luke was shocked at his honey like soft voice, though shaky it was not expected. Jonathan in the lab was writting down and documenting what was happening word for word

"okay 1581-3, good to know, you seem to be able to sense and feel emotions, so we're going to run tests on you, we just need reactions, okay? understand?"

the SCP nodded and tried to grab the doctor's arm but Luke stepped back and coughed awkwardly, he looked at the black stained glass and signaled for the first test to begin

Jonathan nodded and messed with the control panels a sliding door on the roof opened revealing a skylight, letting the sunlight in, the SCP walked into the light and smiled

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