November 11 [H2OVanoss & Ohmtoonz]

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Remembrance day

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Ryan called Evan right away, after seeing the letter addressed to him he had received in the mall a few seconds ago Evan answered right away, on his end he was also ready to call Ryan on the behalf of getting his own letter in the mail.



They both seemed really happy, voices in a sing song tune ready to rip open those letters and decode the crappy handwriting inside.

"I got my letter" Ryan said using a letter opener to open it, careful not to rip it. Ryan's been collecting them and saving them in a book.

"Me too, you opening yours" Evan said ripping the top open and pulling out the yellowing piece of paper and unfolding it.

Ryan smiled and took his paper out and unfolded it he smiled at the first sing he saw

Dear Ryan

Evan smiled when he saw a Polaroid attached to his letter, the back was facing him but he couldn't wait to turn it over and see the picture.

"Ryan can I read mine first this time?"

Evan asked swallowing hard, waiting to hear Ryan's voice through the phone.


Evan smiled

Dear Evan

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, and I love you so much more! this stupid broken pen and tattered paper aren't enough proof to show you how much I do love you! 

I hate sleeping on sand bags in the pit, it's all muddy and disgusting down here and I'm missing the warm bed I used to share with you every night. 

I can't write much, we're moving around a ton, though I wish I had a table to write this on so it wouldn't be so poorly written, though after the fight I'll send you a full on letter, along with this letter I sent a picture of me and Luke sitting in the pit, I know it's sounds sad but trust me it wasn't!

love, Jonathan

Evan read the whole thing all while shedding a few tears, as to be expected, I mean how can you not get emotional every time you get a letter from a loved one who's been risking it all for a better country right? Thinking they could be dead but then seeing the letter and knowing they're not indeed dead.

Ryan heard Evan's small cries and tried not to cry with him, though he will when he read his letter.

"okay, I'm going to read mine now..."

Dear Ryan

I miss you, these MRE packets are disgusting and I'm really missing your wonderful cooking in the morning, night and randomly in the middle of the day, I miss everything about you.

we landed on the beach a few days ago, Jon's also writing his letter that Sargent said he'd send along with all the others. It's been raining a lot recently and the pit we've been sitting in is all muddy and I think we're gonna drown in mud, hopefully not though since I wanna see you again. My buddy says he trying to plant mines up ahead but I don't think thats smart in the mud. But what do I know?

I can't write the big letters I usually send you since we don't have a lot of time to rest, we're moving around a lot, but I'm glad I still got to write this.

Love you

Love Luke

Ryan cried too, Ryan cried more than Evan, waterfalls coming out of his eyes, all he wanted to do was hug his boyfriend, his future husband. The love of his life. but he couldn't not now, but hopefully once more, and many more times. See if you didn't get it yet, Ryan and Evan's boyfriends are at war, off in army on beaches and shores wary of mines and gun shots from the opposing force.

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