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"So what am I supposed to do with this information?" I asked, sitting in the passenger seat. The sun had just went down, and I didn't know if I should be going in the house or just stay with Chris where I felt safe. Still, there was no denying the pictures that were in my hands. I studied them over and over again.

"Do what you gotta do beautiful, but just know that I have your back one hundred percent."

I just looked at him, trying to find reasons behind the pictures. Then I reached for the handle. "This has got to be a joke, he wouldn't do this to me."

"Zana, think for real! It was raining that night, and then you were in an accident that could have killed you!" Chris was livid with my denial, still, I couldn't believe it.

"I have to go." I opened the door, and hoped to the back door for my crutches. "I'll call you later Chris."

I walked up the walkway, and heard Chris pull away from the curb. Maybe I was in denial, but still I had to be sure. I dialed Trey and asked him to come over. I set on the porch, waiting for him to arrive. Ten minutes later, I seen Trey's bright head lights, and knew it was him. He jogged up the walkway, and smiled at me once he seen me sitting.

"Hey hunny," he said kissing my cheek, and sitting right next to me.

I smiled back at him. "Hey, I haven't seen you all day, how have you been?"

He shrugged, "just running the streets as usual."

"You've seen my brother?"

"Yeah a few times today, why?" Trey asked me.

"No reason at all." My phone rang in my hand, and I noticed that it was Chris calling me. I sighed, and looked over at Trey who for some reason became irritated.

"Man why does this man keep calling you? I've been nice about the shit since you've been hurt, but the shit is getting rediculous!"

I pressed the ignore button on my phone. I didn't feel like arguing about Chris. "Trey, stop." I was calm about it, choosing my words because as of late, Trey had been choosing things to argue about, then turn around and apologizes.

Trey shook his head at me. "That man is the reason you was laid up in that hospital bed. You're to forgiving Zana."

"Oh really? Like I'm forgiving about that big ass hickey on your neck?" I was still calm, I wouldn't dare let Trey get a rise out of me, not yet anyway.

Trey quickly took his dreads out of his ponytail to cover up the hickey. "Man, it was the basketball that hit me in my neck."

I crossed my arms listening to his poor choice of lies.

" And I guess I didn't fell the ball hit my neck because my adrenaline was high."

I nodded, pretending to accept his stupid lies. "Okay."

"For real, Zee." Trey placed his arm around my shoulders. "You know that's not a hickey, I wouldn't do you like that."

"So what about your wife?"

Trey's eyes almost popped out of his head as I mentioned a wife.

"You do know Kim right?"

"Zana, where the hell are you getting this information at? Naw, I don't know a Kim."

I decided enough was enough, and took the picture of Trey, Kim and a little boy out of my purse and through it in his face. "You lied to me!"

"Zana, I can explain that shit."

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