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It was Sunday, and Chris and I made our way to his parents house. Maredith and Charles lived in a private gated community. Their home was huge with a three car garage, a pool, and a lake behind their home. I was in awe, as Chris held my hand walking up the brick stairs to the door.

"This house is nice." I stated, looking around at the huge windows.

"Yeah, my parents are rolling in dough. Don't be nervous, my parents already love you."

I smiled at him as he rung the doorbell. A Spanish elderly woman opened the door, and smiled at the two of us.

"Good evening Christopher, and hello Miss." She greeted us, letting us enter the home.

"Hi Marisol, this is my girl Zana, Zee this is Marisol " he introduced us.

"Nice to meet you." I said then followed Chris through the house. I had never been in a house like this, this was something only movie stars lived in.

Maredith walked into the kitchen and stretched out her arms to hugs us. "I'm so happy you guys made it."

"Hello, you have a nice home." I said to her.

"Thank you sweetie. Chris, your father is in his office and would like to have a word with you." Meredith took me by the hand and led me to another part of the house, "come on sweetie, we have so much to talk about."

She led me into a room with mirrors all around. She had pictures of her children and her husband hanging from the walls. The sofa set had to have been pure leather, as I set down nervously looking over to Meredith who had leaned against the table, and poured to flute glasses of champagne

"You seem a bit uneasy." She said handing me a glass of champagne.

"I'm fine Mrs. Damewood."

She nodded, and sipped slowly on the champagne. She was staring at me as if she was studying my demeanor. "You don't look fine. I would like to get to know you before dinner if that is okay."

"What would you like to know?"

Meredith placed her finger to her chin as if she was thinking about what to ask me. She tapped her fingers on the table. "Ah, how would you make my son happy sweetheart?"

"I already make him happy."

"Hmmm...but so did Vanessa."

"Excuse me?"

Meredith laughed and waved me off, "I'm just asking questions sweetheart."

If I didn't feel uneasy then, I sure as hell did now. She was making me feel very uncomfortable, and I wasn't about to sit around and let her insult my intelligence. "I need to find Chris."

"Chris is fine, Zana. Do you plan on having children? Are you going to get a job? You've been out of work for some time now. My son has never supported a woman, and I don't think I would like him to start now."

I stood to my feet, "I'm going to find Chris, Mrs. Damewood."

She drank from her glass and excused me with a wave of her hand. I left the room in confusion. I walked down the main hallway, trying to find my way to Chris. Marisol was coming out of one room.

"Marisol, could you point me to Mr. Damewood's office."

"Right this way Miss Zana."

I followed her up a few stairs, and down a hallway. She pointed to his office, and I thanked her. I could hear the conversation from the hallway, and I knew I shouldn't be listening but my name was thrown into the mix.

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