Ch 45

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Carson arrived at home around 5am, drunk and high out of his mind. Jason was in the living room with the lights off, sitting in his recliner waiting up for his love. He had tried calling Carson, only to get his voicemail.

"What's up bay?" Carson said walking in, and closing the door. He knew Jason would be up waiting on him.

Jason turned the light on, and seen that Carson was bruised with a handprint around his neck. Jason walked over to Carson, inspecting the bruised face.

"What happened?" He asked him.

"Zana happened!" He yelled and pushed past Jason. Jason followed him in the bedroom, and watched him slip out of his bloody shirt, exposing his scratched chest.

"She did this to you?"

"My father. She found out that I tried to get her killed." Carson explained.

Jason held his hands over his mouth, shocked at what Carson was admitting to him. "It's true?"

Carson looked up at Jason, "what do you mean it's true? How did you know?"

"My brother showed me the photos, and I thought it was photoshopped."

Carson became furious of what Jason had said. He should have known Chris was behind the bullshit.

"I wish that bitch and your brother was dead yo!" Carson screamed throwing his boot at the TV causing it to break and glass to scatter.

Jason had never seen Carson so upset. "So what's going to happen? Are they getting the police involved.?"

"I don't know, but I need those pictures, and I need Zana dead."

Jason set on the bed realizing that he was serious. "So what  do we need to do?"

Carson smiled at his love, he was willing to ride for him, and that turn him on. "Are you ready for this?"

Jason nodded, there was no turning back now.


Sleep felt like the thing of the past. I shut my eyes, but couldn't  sleep. I had so much on my mind, and guilt had set in. The doorbell rang, and I got up, grabbed my gun off the nightstand. It was six in the morning, and nobody that I knew would dare come by that early.

"Who the hell at my door?" I asked holding my finger on the trigger by my side.


I swung the door open, and she walked in crying. "What happened?" I asked her.

She walked directly to my room and stood by the dresser. "Why does it seem like everybody that comes in my life wants to kill me?"

I had never thought about it like that, but it did seem that way. "I don't think it's like that."

Zana turned her back to me, "why are you lying, first Rick, and now my own damn brother."

I took Zana by the hand, and set her on the bed. I moved her crutches to the corner of my room. "I guess because you're something special."

She looked away from me and sighed, "next you're going to tell me you want me dead too."

I laughed at her Silly ass, then lifted her chin with my thumb. "Now why would I go and do something stupid like that?"

Zana shrugged, "what do you want from me Chris?"

That question took me by surprise. "You want the truth?"

She nodded at me, and waited for my response. I got up and walked to my night stand, and pulled out a small box. I hid it behind my back so that she couldn't see what was inside. "I want you to be all mine beautiful. I want you to have my kids, vacation with me, live a happy life with me."

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