Chapter 5

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Cole's POV

Kiara walked away and I couldn't help but smile. She was so pretty. I walked to the cabin and the boys just started staring at me. "What's up Cole? Why you smiling?" Dana asked.

"So you guys know that Kiara girl right?"

"Yeah what about her?" Will asked.

"Well I just went and saw her and I kissed her."

"Oh that's cute. Do you like her?" Gabe asked me.

"Yeah. And I'm gonna ask her out here soon." I said smiling. They high fived me and I went to my room. I layed there until I fell asleep.

Katie's POV

We were watching Safe Haven when Kiara walked in. She had a huge smile across her face. "Hey girl, where've you been?" I asked her.

"I was with Cole." she said. She sat down next to me.

"The one you just met?" Judiann asked.

"Yeah, he's cute though. And really nice. I like him." she told us. She walked into her room. "What do you guys think about the guys?" I asked them.

"I like them, Dana's pretty cute." Gabriela said.

"Yeah, David's got some muscles." Judiann said smirking.

"Will's got an amazing smile." Renee said smiling.

"Well, Gabe is pretty cool I guess. Oh well I'm going to bed." I went in my room and fell asleep.

Gabe's POV

I woke up and went to the kitchen.  Naturally Will was already up. "Hey Will." I said.

"Hey Gabe. Oh we're having company over again today." he said.

"Who?" I asked.

"You'll see." Will said smiling. I turned on the tv and Adventure Time was on. I was about to turn it until Cole came out.

"DON'T TURN OFF MY SHOW!" he screamed.

"Okay bro, chill!" I said. He sat down and started watching it. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and Will answered it.

"Marjanai!" I screamed. I ran over to her and hugged her. "What's up guys? Why're you here?"

"We came to support you guys." a voice said. I looked behind her and saw Laccie. "Hey Laccie how you been?" I said.

"Good now that were here." she said. Will went and hugged her and started talking to her.

David's POV

"Sarah?!" I yelled. I haven't seen her in a few months since I moved.

"David!" she screamed, hugging me. "I was wondering if you could give me some dance lessons?"

"I sure will." I said hugging her tightly. I looked over at Cole who was hugging Cassie. "I love your hair!" Cole said to her. It looked really cute.

"DANA!" Aaliyah scream running to Dana.

"AALIYAH!" they crashed into a hug.

"So when'd you guys get here?" I asked them.

"About an hour ago." Sarah said sitting down on the couch.

"And you guys just decided to come over?" Cole joked.

"We had to unpack Pendery." Cassie said laughing. We talked for a bit about how camp has been.

"Let's go to the park guys!" Laccie said. We agreed and headed off towards the park.

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