Chapter 33

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Cole's POV

I went with Detective Drew into a room with lots of computers.

"Hey Cole nice to see you again" I shook his hand and said hi.

"So have you tracked her yet?" I asked frantically. Kiara was holding my hand, gripping it tightly.

"Not yet, but we will soon" Jerry said.

"These things take a while" a girl at the computer said.

"This is Abby our tracker" Drew told us.

"I got something!" We all rushed over to Abby.

"Alright let's head out. Do you guys wanna come?" I looked at Kiara and we both nodded our heads. We got into the police car and drove away from the station.

Gabe's POV

We were watching a movie until I got a text from Cole.
C- They found her! We're heading to get her now!

"Guys, they found Maddie! They're going to get her as we speak!" I told them.

"That's great!" Dana said.

"I hope she's okay.." Renee mumbled.

"I'm sure she's fine" I said as I hugged her.

We decided to eat since we haven't really ate anything all day.

Maddie's POV

My wound is still covered and it doesn't hurt as much. Asher picked up the axe and went to a door.

"This door has been locked since I've met you and now I'll finally reveal to you whats on the other side." He lifted the axe and started chopping the door down.

Once the door was gone, the smell of death and decay drifted throughout the room.

"WHAT'S IN THERE?!" I yelled.

"If you disobey me, you'll find out sooner or later" he smirked and walked over to me.

"Here's some water" he let me get some water but I spit it in his face.

"Let me go Asher! I thought you cared about me!"

"I do! That's why you're here. This was, we can stay together forever" he laughed villainously.

"Asher stop this please!" He injected something into my arm and I instantly passed out.

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