Chapter 23

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Gabriela's POV

Me and Dana are back together. I know it sounds predictable but I really like him.

He decided to take me on a date.

"You don't have to say anything. I'll do all the talking." He told me. He took me to the movies to see If I Stay. I ended up crying really hard. Dana wiped my tears and kissed me. He's so cute. After the movie we had a picnic on the beach. I decided to text him since I wasn't able to talk.
G- Dana, thank you for such an amazing night. You are the best. I'm sorry I thought that but I was wrong. You're awesome and so cute. Thank you so much.♥

Dana looked at me and smiled. He leaned in and whispered in my ear.
'I love you, Gabriela.'

Gabe's POV

I haven't talked to Katie ever since that thing happened so I texted her.
G- Katie. can we please talk?
K- Fine. Meet me by the lake in 10.

I got ready and walked out of our cabin. She was already there so I went up to her.

"Katie listen to me. What you saw, wasnt what you think it was. Marjanai kissed me. I'm pretty sure it happened with all the guys. Heck, it did happen to all the guys. Just hear me out. I love you Katie. The only person I want to be with is you. Trust me."

She looked at me straight in the eyes. "I love you too Gabe."

I kissed her and she kissed me back. It felt so good to have her back. I can't lose her again.

David's POV

I've been focusing on the dance that we're doing for the song. The competition is in 5 days. I told they guys that we're rehearsing today and the told me they'd be here in 5 minutes. It's been 5 minutes. I started pacing around the room until they walked in.

"You're late." I said "Come on we have to rehearse."

"Bro chill, we're just a couple minutes late." Dana said.

"It's in 5 days and we're not prepared."

"What's your deal David? Why are you so uptight today?" Cole asked me. I really didn't have an answer for that.

"I.. I don't know. I guess I'm just tired of you guys hanging out with your girlfriends.."

"Go get her back David" Will said.

"She doesn't want me back."

"Really? Katie has told me different." Gabe said.

"Yeah same with Gabriela." Dana added in. I do miss her..

"Okay I will," the guys started cheering, "AFTER we rehearse. Its more important right now."

They agreed and we started to rehearse. It started off really well until Will messed up one of the moves.

"Will, you're doing it wrong." I said. I showed him how to do it and he learned it instantly. It was more of a slow song so there wasn't much energy. We made it work though.

After rehearsal was over, Cole came up to me.

"Go get her bro" He said and pushed me out the door.

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