Chapter 53

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Dana's POV

I asked Madame Sophia if she could give me a palm reading. She agreed and I gave her my hand.

"Based on the lines of your hands, you are open-minded and a free spirit. You are not ruled by the normality of the society. Your friendly ways and bright personality attract people to you. You will do exceptionally well in life." Someone came in and whispered something to Madame Sophia.

"Excuse me boys" She said. She got up and went to the front of the place. We heard yelling and then a gunshot.

"Guys, stay quiet and get down." Will said. We did as he told and got down. Devery stayed standing.

"Devery what are you doing?" Cole yelled in a whisper.

"I just wanna see what happened." He went over to the curtains and opened them a bit.

"I don't see anyone but Madame Sophia got shot. She's not breathing." We all ran to her side. David called 911.

"See, I told you this was a bad idea." Gabe said. We waited for a few minutes then heard sirens outside.

"Everyone put your hands up!" The cops yelled busting the door down.

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