Chapter 16

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David's POV

I woke up the next morning and went to the living room. I saw Cole and Kiara on the couch sleeping. I decided to take a picture of them and I put it on instagram.

I remember what day it was and texted Judiann.
D- are you ready to go out today?
J- yeah I am (:

I put my phone down and looked around the kitchen. Will walked in. "Will, did you eat all the nutella?" I asked him.

He looked away quickly and mumbled a 'no'. I gave him a look and I started laughing. Cole woke up and I saw him look at his phone. "David I'm gonna kill you!" he screamed at me. I took off running and he was right behind me. He tackled me and we started laughing as we walked back.

Judiann's POV

David was an hour late for our date. I wonder what was taking him so long. I went to the park where we were supposed to go. I saw David but he was with another girl. I started getting tears in my eyes as I walked up to him.

Before I got to him, they kissed. I was furious. I went up to him and slapped him. After that I ran to Gabe.

"G-Gabe." I managed to get out through the tears.

"What's wrong?" he asked with his fill attention on me.

"H-he c-cheated on m-me." I said.

He hugged me, drying my tears.

"If he cheated on you, he doesn't deserve you. You're an amazing girl and you can do better than a cheater." he said.

I smiled at him through my tears.

David's POV

I was at the park getting ready for the date cause I knew I was running late. I was setting up the table as a girl came up to me.

"David? It's Nevaeh!" I looked at her face trying to place her.

"Oh! I remember you! You were in my class!" I said. We started talking about how we've been and just catching up really. I was just about to tell her that I have a date to set up and she kissed me. I pushed her away and Judiann came up and slapped me. "Judiann!" I screamed. I don't think she heard me.

"Who was that?" Nevaeh asked me.

"My girlfriend" I told her with attitude. I took off running toward my cabin.

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