Chapter 49

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Gabriela's POV

We were working on our pranks for the guys. Everyone was working on their own. For mine, I'd need water. Lots of it. I went into the kitchen and started filling water balloons and buckets of just water. I also ran a hose from the sink to the second floor. As I was just about done, Maddie came in.

"Hey, do you think you could help me with mine?" She asked me. I laughed.

"Of course" I walked into the living room and she had a foolproof plan on the table. "Maddie this is awesome!" I told her. Not only was she pranking Devery, she was pranking all the guys. She told me she needed all of us so I got the others.

"So what's the plan?" Kiara asked. I showed them the plan on the table. Katie and Renee high fived Maddie.

"This plan is foolproof!" Judiann told her. We all went separate places to get supplies.

Maddie's POV

I had the others go get supplies which meant the cabin was all mine. They know my plan for pranking the guys. What they don't know is, I'm pranking them too. I called my friend Callie over to help me with the prank.

"Hey Callie" I said as she walked through the door.

"Hey Maddie. This prank is awesome!" She said.

"Well none of the girls can find out. Neither can the guys. Can you call Lilly and Ashley and tell them to keep an eye on them?

"Sure." She called them and they said okay. That's when we started.

The girls were getting the guys supplies so we couldn't start on their prank so we're starting on the girls. Kiara was first.

We went into her room and flipped everything the opposite way. Next was Katie.

For Katie, we decided to move her desk where her bed was and put posters on the ceiling and rearrange everything in her closet. Moving onto Judiann.

We walked into Judiann's room and it was a mess. Callie put whipped cream in her pillow case, replacing the pillow. I got a cutout of David that looked so real it was scary. I put it in her closet so it was just slighty seen.

Gabriela was different. Her room was spotless. Me and Callie ended up trashing the place but oh well. For her, we did the whole 'bucket over the door' prank. Gotta keep it old school.

Since I know Renee is the one who loves food, I decided to mess with the food. We put blue Gatorade in a windex bottle and sat it on the counter. Then, we took certain oreos and replaced the cream with toothpaste. And finally, my favorite, we took the label off the nutella and put it over top the hersheys spread label. I know she'll tell the difference.

Me and Callie sat back in laughter from what we just did. They have no clue. As if right on cue, they all walked in the door.

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