Chapter 61

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Judiann's POV

Me and Gabriela told Dana and David that we wanted to go home. David started driving and a few minutes later we were back at the cabin. Gabriela and I ran into the cabin real quick.

"Are you ready?" Gabriela said. I nodded. We walked in the living room and I saw Kiara, Katie and Gabe on the couch.

"Where's Cole?" I asked.

"In the shower" Kiara said and we heard a scream.

"WHY IS THE WATER RED!" Cole screamed from the bathroom. We started laughing. We heard the water turn off and a few minutes later Cole came in. His hair was a neon green. All we could do was stare and laugh.

"What are you staring at?" He asked us. I pointed to his hair and he went to a mirror. I think I saw a tear in his eye.

"Who would do such a thing to my beautiful hair?" He said as Kiara raised her hand up. He gave her a death glare. Just then Dana and David walked in.

Gabriela's POV

As soon as they walked in they started laughing. They were looking at Cole.

"What happened to you bro?" Dana asked laughing.

"Kiara happened" he said glaring at her, then smiling.

"Well, I'm gonna go change so I'll be back" David said. He walked to his room and we heard him scream.

"WHERE'S MY SPIDEY! HE'S GONE! WHY IS IT SUPERMAN!" We heard him start throwing things and we couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm scared to go into my room" Dana said. He walked over to the door and opened it. He started laughing.

"Gabriela, did you do this?" I nodded my head and he high fived me.

"That's such a cool prank I love it" he took a picture and posted it on instagram. I went to go get my jacket when a bucket of water dumped on my head. I screamed. My room was a mess too.

"Who did this?!" I screamed. Then I thought about it. Maddie.

Maddie's POV

Me and Devery got back to the cabin when I heard a scream. It sounded like Gabriela. She must've went in her room. We walked in the door and go down the hallway to find her drenched in water looking into her room.

"Maddie I'm gonna get you" she said giving me a death stare. I started laughing uncontrollably.

Judiann told us she was gonna go take a nap. She went to her room and I'm pretty sure she regretted it. She walked out with whipped cream all over her face.

"Very funny Maddie" she said cleaning it off then she went back into the room. We heard her scream and I realized what she found. She walked out with the cutout of David.

"Really. What is this?" She asked me. All I could do was laugh. I can't wait for the others to find their surprises.

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