Chapter 37

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Renee's POV

We decided it was best if we went in one at a time. Cole went in first of course then I was next. Cole walked out and he had tears in his eyes. I walked in the room and saw Maddie lying on the bed. I ran and hugged her.

"Maddie thank god you're okay! We were so worried about you!" I said.

"Well I'm okay, I just have a few minor injuries." She said showing me her wounds.

"These don't look minor" I said. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"Promise me you'll listen to Cole next time" I said.

"I promise and Renee?" She asked me.


"Take care of Will. He gets emotional when I get hurt." I laughed and nodded my head. I hugged her and walked out to Devery.

Devery's POV

They decided I was going next since I asked them. I walked in and sat next to her.

"Devery? What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"You told me to meet you but you were still with Asher. Kiara said I could help find you." I told her.

"I remember now! I totally forgot that I was supposed to meet with you. I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault. You didn't know all this was gonna happen." She hugged me.

"Thanks Devery, you're a good friend." I nodded and walked out to get Gabriela.

Gabriela's POV

I walked into the room after I saw Devery come out. I went in and Maddie started talking.

"Gabriela I don't have my phone so I don't know what-" I cut her off.

"It's fine Maddie. I'm talking because of you. I don't care if I hurt my singing voice. As long as I can talk to you I don't care." I ran and hugged her.

"Awe Gabriela" I wiped a tear and walked out the door.

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