Chapter 26

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Will's POV

The girls went up and are next. I can't wait to hear what they're going to sing and dance to.

"And for our final performance, last but not least, Young Wild Girls!" The crowd was so loud! We cheered and they started the music.
"Everyday is pay day, swipe my card then I do the nae nae, you're talking to a lady I want a kanye-ye not a Ray J, so that's a no no I'm a maybach and you's a volvo, this convo be lime dre-e I already know whatchu tryna say"

Katie started off by rapping. This girl could rap! Explains why she's dating Gabe..
"You say that you a baller and I see you tryna holla but that ain't how I was brought up, next, workin for the money cause that's what my momma taught me so yo ass better show me some re-spect"

Judiann sung that. For some reason I thought of Dana when that was sung but who knows. I'm weird. Maddie sung the chorus and it was perfect!

She didn't seem nervour at all. Probably because she was watching Asher. I feel like there's something about that dude..
"C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T that's me I'm confident don't want yo compliments use common sense I'm on my Michelle Obama Shhhh... shut your mouth, boy I think you know who run this house, I ain't thirsty for no bae, cause I already know whatchu tryna say."

Kiara rapped this time. She was good too. I have to give them credit.
"You say that you a baller and I see you tryna holla but that ain't how I was brought up, next, workin for the money cause that's what my momma taught me so yo ass better show me some re-spect"

Renee sung that. Her voice was like an angel that I couldn't keep my eyes off of. They finished and came to sit with us.

"You did wonderful" I told Renee and kissed her. She smiled and blushed.

"Nows the time to announce the winner! Judges? Cards please!" The judges gave him the card.

"In third place.. Adore Amour!" They went up and got their trophy.

"In second place.." We we're so anxious.

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