Chapter 52

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Cole's POV

Madame Sophia told me that we would be using playing cards. She had me pick three and she flipped the first one over.

"Ten of Clubs. A fortunate change in life. Good things come together. This could be a sign of a happy marriage, or a renewed love or good friendship. Also a new association with a club of people that is for you considerable." I thought about Kiara during the first part. As I was thinking, Madame Sophia flipped over the seond card.

"Ace of Hearts. A good change is happening, that gives you strength to overcome any problem. Most likely, it is the beginning of a new love affair or a real valueable friendship." She finished saying and flipped over the last card.

"The last card is the King of Hearts. A predominantmatter of the heart turns your life upside down. Love and support from a gifted, kind-hearted person. It's the perfect partner, a wise father-figure, or friend who stands next to you. But as your love partner: she is beloved y many people, and you will always have to share."

"I'm okay with that" I said and got up. I took Dana's seat as he got up to sit in front of Madame Sophia. I decided that I'm going to take Kiara on a nice date tomorrow. I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

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