Chapter 56

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Maddie's POV

The police chief came back into the room.

"Are you Maddie Pendery?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "I'm sorry to say this but, Asher escaped from jail. No doubt he's going to come after you and your friends. We'll be keeping survalince on you guys from now until we catch him okay?"

"Yeah that's fine." I said.

"I need you guys to go on with your lives normally though. It may help us catch him. There will be cops with you but they will keep their distance. Are you still staying at the cabins?"

"Yeah but we're staying in the girls' cabin for a few weeks" Gabe said.

"Even better. Don't split up when you go somewhere. Stay in a group unless you tell one of the cops. Now go get some rest. I already sent some police out there." We nodded and went back to Gabes car. We got in.

"Gabe, I'm scared."

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

Renee's POV

We were still watching the news. The tv started flashing breaking news and we were all glued.

"Authorities just got informed that the man who killed Madame Sophia is indeed Asher Jones. He escaped from prison two days ago. He is at large and if you have seen him please contact us." His picture showed up. I started crying, burying my face in Will's chest. He started stroking my hair.

"Everythings gonna be fine" he whispered in my ear. Just then we heard a car pull up. We rushed to the door and it was a cop.

"Come in" I said and led him into the living room.

"Are all of you here besides Maddie and Gabriel?" The officer said. We nodded our heads.

"I'm sure you've heard the news about Asher. There will be police watching the cabin to ensure your safety. Please, if you're going somewhere alone or with another person, make sure to tell us so we can get an officer to go with you. They'll keep their distance. I'll be out front if you need me." He walked out.

Cole's POV

I don't know what to do. Asher has escaped and I'm supposed to take Kiara on a date. I don't want a cop to be with us. I was so distracted I didn't even realize Gabe and Maddie were back.

"Cole are you okay?" Kiara asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I sat down next to Maddie.

"So what did the police say to do?" Dana asked.

"He said to carry on with our lives and to act normal" Gabe said. We all sat down in the living room.

"Should we watch a movie?" I suggested.

"Sure but what movie?" Renee asked.

"What about The Sandlot?" Will said.

"I love that movie!" Renee said as she high fived him. We put the movie in and eventually, we all fell asleep.

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