Chapter 39

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Will's POV

I was talking to Renee.

"I don't know if I can do this" I said pacing back and forth.

"Will. You can do this. Just go talk to her." I nodded and walked in the room.

Maddie was sitting there hooked up to lots of stuff. I felt so bad for her.

"You look miserable." I said. She laughed and said "yeah I can't get up cause of my leg."

"What'd he do to you?" I asked.

"He stabbed me in the stomach and cut my leg" she showed me the wounds and I started crying.

"I'm so sorry Maddie. This didn't need to happen." She held me and wiped my tears.

"Will, go eat some nutella and stop crying." I laughed and walked out.

Katie's POV

Will walked out crying. I walked in and instantly hugged Maddie.

"Maddie don't you ever worry us like that again okay?!" I said to her. She laughed.

"I won't. I'm sorry Katie. I just thought it was gonna be a date but apparently not"

"No one knew he was gonna go that far, just know your dates will be chaperoned now" we both laughed when I said that. I said bye and walked out.

Gabe's POV

I was the last one to go talk to Maddie before we had to leave. I walked in.

"Gabe!" She yelled. I walked over and hugged her.

"Gabe, please talk them into letting me out early. I don't wanna stay in here."

"I'll try don't worry but no promises." She hugged me and whispered 'thank you' in my ear. I walked over to the doctor in the waiting room.

"Listen, is there any way you could let her out early? We are very mature and capable of taking care of her" I said.

"She has to stay at least tonight. Since I trust you. I'll let her out tomorrow."

"Thank you so much" I said. I walked back into Maddie's room and told her the news.

"Thank you so much Gabe!" I smiled and walked out.

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