Chapter 9

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Gabriela's POV

Dana and I walked back to the cabin. "Hey Gabriela?" he asked me.


"Would you be my girlfriend?" I nodded my head furiously and we kissed. We walked in holding hands and everyone was just staring at us. "So uhm, what happened?" Laccie asked me.

"We're dating" Dana said smiling. I stood there smiling like an idiot until Renee talked to me. "Gabriela are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah I'm just happy" I said smiling. She nodded and we decided to watch a movie.

Cassie, Sarah, Laccie, Marjanaj and Aaliyah went home so it was they boys, the girls and Maddie. She was actually really cool. We started watching A Haunted House and it was so funny. During the middle of it Maddie said she was gonna take a walk so we said okay and she walked out.

Maddie's POV

I walked out of their cabin. I couldn't be around those couples even though most of them aren't dating. Dana and Gabriela are dating, Cole and Kiara are practically dating, and I'm helping Will get Renee. I started walking towards the lake and decided to lean against a tree. I put my headphones in and closed my eyes. I guess I drifted off cause someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey it's late, shouldn't you be at your cabin?" a voice asked me. I looked up to see a boy with deep blue eyes and black hair staring back at me.

"Yeah, I guess I drifted off, sorry." I told him.

"My name is Asher. What's your name?"

"My name is Maddie. It's nice to meet you."

"Well, you're gorgeous. Can we hang out sometime?" he asked me. I nodded my head and we exchanged numbers. I walked back to the cabin with a smile on my face.

Cole's POV

We were watching A Haunted House 2 and I was sitting next to Kiara. She looked cold so I put my arm around her. She looked up at me and smiled. A few minutes later the door opened and I looked over. It was Maddie. "Hey Maddie, where you been?" Renee asked.

"Yeah you missed the end of the movie" Will told her.

"I was taking a walk and decided to rest. I fell asleep and got woken up by this really cute guy. His name is Asher and we talked for a bit." she said.

"Wait so you don't really know him?" I asked her. She shook her head and I looked at her. "You shouldn't be talking to someone you don't know. You could get killed." I said looking her straight in the eyes.

"Cole I'm fine. I'm 16. You can't keep controlling my life." she said to me.

"I just don't want you getting hurt." I said. She nodded and sat on the couch.

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