Chapter 1 The start of me

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He was just a young man with big dreams. Dreams of being famous, dreams of helping others achieve their dreams too. Dreams of people loving him, people knowing his name- everyone wanted to be loved though right? That dream wasn't as big or crazy as the others were...That one came from a rough childhood; bullies, only two real friends, an older sibling who served as a playmate, but not much of a supporter, and divorced parents at a young age. The young man got in trouble ever since he could walk and talk, always getting bad strikes in school and getting more chores at home to make up for all the bad behavior, but he never 'learned his lesson' and continued his acting out, all as a cry for attention, good attention or bad attention- It didn't matter to him, he got the contact he craved and that was enough to satisfy him for then.

As the years passed and things changed, he changed too, and the little attention he was getting was not nearly enough. From a young age, he and his brother made videos together, mostly for fun, whatever made them laugh, they uploaded, those old moments turned into a career for both of them.
It was a big leap of faith that made him drop out of school to chase his dreams along with his older brother whom dropped out of college, they stayed together in an apartment for the majority of the time when they came out to LA, still just sustaining themselves with small comedy skits and brand deals whenever they could get them, they got closer bonds with their friends from being out there, both hungry for more, the world seemed so big when they got out there, and they wanted to conquer it all.

There were ups and downs being out there with them basically on their own, but the young man's dream's never faded, even when things got difficult, he continued to work hard, and eventually stray from the path of his brother, wanting to find his own true goals, tired of being pushed to the back when it came to their comedy skits and new friends, they were mostly all older, and didn't really pay attention to his ideas anymore.

He soon decided he wanted to start a business, he wanted to grow something, he wanted to bring more talent and friends along with them, and help them, help them like he was never helped with his dreams and ambitions when he first started out, after sleepless nights and early mornings, the dream was a lot more visible as he started meeting new and upcoming entertainer's like himself, eventually signing them to his contract, and slowly but surely after he started to take off more and eventually got a dream job at an old television station he always wanted to work at, and soon moved out from his and his brothers apartment, now renting a house for himself and this team he created, it was easy at first balancing a real company and a team he considered his close friends and family.

Life soon got in the way of their happy arrangement...People began having more than just 'friendly feelings' towards one another, a rocky relationship was formed between the boss and his 'best friend' at the time. There were fun moments they spent together, and nights they'd be in each others embrace...those times it was clear they weren't ever just going to be friends anymore. Some days were comfortable, and some it was hard to even speak without fighting about one of them seeing someone else behind the others back, they weren't together after all so why couldn't they have another lover on the side? It was always a tense subject when that happened...Neither was innocent in the 'relationship' but it was so exciting and new to them it got both their hearts racing just thinking of it, but also made for jealous and petty moments.

One of those petty moments resulted in his 'girlfriend' sleeping with his older brother to spite him, they'd been fighting a lot, and seeing other people during their 'relationship', and eventually she couldn't take it anymore and decided to do something to really hurt him, to truly leave a scar on the seemingly unscathed man. While he was out of town, she slept with his older brother, after all he'd been through, that was something that really set him back, he lost his 'bestfriend' and girlfriend, trust for his older brother and part of his team so quickly.
The scandal spread across the internet, people began taking sides,
both parties lost fans and gained some from the situation, the truth of who cheated on who and who they'd done it with was anyone's guess, his ex-girlfriend stayed saying her side of being cheated on, never owning up to her own mistakes always blaming him for the 'breakup' calling him  the cheater, while he on the other hand didn't tell who she cheated with to avoid drama, but still never told the complete truth about how toxic their 'relationship' really was.

Time passed on, and the people in his old team along with his ex who had to be kicked out, left, but unsatisfied with how his first attempt
at a team ended, he kept pushing forwards past all the hate and drama, bringing more people into his team, and this time he made it even bigger and crazier then before, he soon flew out his two best friends from his old home in Ohio, to stay with him and eventually become part of his wild team.

Things weren't perfect with the hate he received, and the awkwardness floating around with him and his older brother now, he tried to move on, since that was all he could do at this point, he'd rather bite the bullet, then feed into the drama and damage both their careers.

Everything was moving so fast, between pranks, recording, editing, being a actor, keeping a business running, trying to have a social life, the hate, the running on a few hours of sleep, it was all so tiring, but so amazing and rewarding, the rush, the watching his dream grow and build so much, his life was literally a dream come true, even with the bad times, he wouldn't have changed it for the world....
But, sometimes, even in a fairytale-like life, things can come crashing down, and boy did they....

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