Chapter 60 Down for you

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Erika let out a shocked little gasp,her phone lighting up her face as she stared down at it, she reread the text as she scrunched up on her bed.

Jake Paul was asking her to be his girlfriend, she couldn't believe it, she scrolled back and read it again and again, each time she got more tense and her heart fluttered faster, she knew Jake was waiting on an answer, she saw him begin typing again, stopping and starting, she wondered if he was getting nervous over her answer and began panicking too.

Jake had been going through so much, the last thing she wanted to do was put him through more stress no matter what....

Jake had froze, he's never been really "shy" asking anyone out, but with him and Erika's unique relationship...He couldn't help but be a little nervous, in fact it wouldn't even cross his mind what to do if she said no...

Erika: Jake...

Jake tensed as he clung tightly to to his phone, his friends were speaking around him but he honestly couldn't hear them, and didn't really care to.

Erika: Yes, of course! ❤🐐

Jake's nervous features melted away, a sigh of relief going through him, and slowly his eyes lit up, and his cheeks lifted with a huge smile, his chest warming up as well as his face, his fingers fidgeting doing almost a little "happy dance" while he held the phone.

"Jake, Earth to Jake? What'd she say?" Chance asked, "She said yes..." Jake said quietly still in shock himself, "She said yes!" Jake announced loude. Raising his voice and getting too excited was putting a strain on his body, but it didn't matter to him right then; Erika Costell, his crush since forever had said "Yes" this hurt and disease didn't matter right then, they were in it together now...And as far as Jake was concerned the two of them together were undefeated.

Jake: This is amazing! #Jerika ❤

Erika: Lol, what took you so long? ❤😏

"Bro this awesome!" Chance said happily, "He shoots, he scores!" Anthony shouted grinning, "She said yes? Wow why? You hit!" Chad joked laughing, Jake laughed along with him, his heart full the smile was hard to get off of his face now. Jake Paul & Erika Costell... Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

"You ready to eat baby boy?" Logan asked coming into Jake's room, it was later in the day, Jake's friends had gone home by now, and Logan was long done with cleaning up Jake's room and bathroom, taking his trash out and washing his blankets and clothes.

To Logan's surprise Jake was sitting up on the side of the bed, phone in hand, instead of laying down. "Yo, what's got you up?" Logan asked in surprise, although pleased to see it, he must have been doing something right taking care of him, Logan guessed happily; It was such a small thing to see him just sitting up, but as weak and fatigued Jake had been, basically being robbed of his health every day, this excited Logan *Maybe the worse part is over* Logan hoped.

"I'm talking to Erika" Jake said looking up at Logan, "Oh?" Logan questioned grinning, "I asked her to be my girlfriend" Jake told him grinning, "I'm guessing she said no?" Logan asked making Jake roll his eyes at him, "I'm happy for you bro, yo I got a sister now" Logan said smiling, "I'm gonna invite her over!" Jake said the thought of her being around more often gave him butterflies, "Go for it- but don't forget you've got chemo" Logan told him, he ached seeing Jake's smile fade.

"Again?" Jake asked putting his phone to the side, "Yes again" Logan told him in a soft teasing tone, he came over sitting by Jake, "It doesn't hurt does it?" he asked him in concern, "No...I just feel really sick after" Jake said shuddering as he was reminded of sitting in the place alone before, the whole atmosphere brought his mood down.

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