Chapter 93 Falling Under?

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Jake laid in bed trying to fall asleep, He and Logan had ate dinner together already after Logan informed him about the nightmare he had and decided to just go to bed instead of talking longer, although it was a little more uncomfortable knowing Logan was scared too, Jake had already had nightmares like those, he was a positive person but with everything going on, it was harder and harder to stay that way.

The sound of the clock in the room was loud thanks to the rest of the silence, it was dark, and Jake couldn't shut his mind off, he felt so trapped in his own body, all he wanted to do was move and feel normal again:Try and fail, try and fail....Jake's limbs shook and trembled as he tried to sit up again, he tried to brace himself on the bed but he couldn't, everytime he'd press his palms against the bed and begin lifting his body up, his nerves would burn like fire and his bones carried a deep ache through them sending him flat on his back again.

Jake huffed out a sigh again, he wasn't use to failing that much, everytime he was faced with something difficult in the past, he would push through it...But now he was at the mercy of his medicine and his brother, Jake's face scrunched up as he tried to lift himself again, he was doing a labored pant as he tried and failed again.

Jake couldn't stop thinking negative things about himself, he looked down at his body as far as he could and immediately felt sick, he felt so helpless and pathetic, he couldn't do anything on his own, just there taking from Logan and making his life harder...

Jake didn't want to die, however laying there alone let his mind play with him along with the pains he went through, everything he was hoping for, everything he was believeing in was letting him down; His health, his body, Erika, he felt like he was letting himself down even thinking like that, Logan had tried to tell him he was okay for being upset, but Jake wouldn't stop putting himself down thinking too hard about everything.

How everything was going...Jake wasn't sure how much he could take, or if he'd even see it out to whatever end he had coming to him.

Jake was feeling depressed and stuck, and being alone right then in the dark made him feel worse, it was like a wave of sadness washing over him from thinking how his life was going right then, he just wanted some type of light to get him out of that feeling.

Jake thought about calling his mom, but it made him feel weak, having to call "mommy" for reassurance, he even thought about reaching out to his fans, but what could they do? They'd probably dissappointed in him for getting so low...Jake knew he could talk to Logan, but now knowing Logan was that scared too, he felt like it would add to his stress, and he didn't want to see Logan breakdown because seeing his brother hurt, he knew he'd break too...

Jake just tried to shut his eyes and fall asleep, and hope for whatever the outcome would be, that it'd be fast and soon....

A/N:Sorry it's been so long! I was consumed with the fight and thinking of a good end for this! Stay tuned for that🤐

The Last HeartBeatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora