Chapter 76 Departure of the Dark

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The room was quiet, Jake sat staring at the wall, he wanted closure more then anything, but he didn't know where to begin getting it, he had so many questions and so many memories with Erika that just made him sick now, his body was still reeling from the shock it went through when he just about collapsed before Logan found him, Jake felt himself going into that bad mindset again; What's really waiting for him if he does survive this? Only this time he didn't Erika's tender kisses and encouragement to get him out of the slump...

"There's my favorite brother" Logan exclaimed somewhat softly as he entered the room, Jake turned to look at him frowning a little, "I'm your only brother" He reminded him, "If I had 100 brothers, you'd still be my favorite" Logan told him before sitting on the bed next to Jake.

Now that Logan knew about the Erika situation, he felt he could understand Jake better, although he'd never be in the same position, at least he knew what his brother saw that night. Logan wasn't good at reading emotions and talking out problems, but he knew his brother pretty well, Jake just needed to be reminded of the bigger picture and who he was with or without a girlfriend, and what he was fighting for.

"What's up?" Jake questioned, "What's up with you bro?" Logan asked slightly nudging him, "Mmm?" Jake mumbled shrugging, he was in weird spot again, and it only intensified thanks to catching Erika cheating on him, "Jake, I'm here for you if you wanna talk," Logan invited him to speak, "I'm fine bro" Jake lied smiling awkwardly at him, "Jake you've been through a lot, it sucks bro, it sucks more when you keep it to yourself" Logan said gently, Jake inhaled laughing a little "When did you get so soft?" Jake asked flipping to his stomach looking up at Logan, "I'm not being soft bro, I'm just saying, Erika isn't the only one who cares about you" Logan said looking down at his brother lightly flicking his nose with his pointer finger.

Jake cringed a little hearing her name, Jake's eyes asked the question his mouth would't speak, and Logan cleared his throat answering it for him. "I know about Aaron, I know what Erika did, I know-" Logan began explaining, "I don't want to talk about it..." Jake stopped him turning on his side facing the wall again, "Bro," Logan spoke trying to put his hand on Jake's shoulder, when he didn't move Logsn scooted closer.

"Bro, its going to be alright, I know Erika's gone...But I'm here, and I'm never going anywhere" Logan told him earnestly squeezing it a little tighter, they stayed there in silence for a while before Jake shifted a bit before finally facing Logan again showing him the raw pain in his expression.

"I love you bro..." Jake told him quietly, giving him a hug, Logan hugged him back, sighing deeply, he was still trying to keep calm and rational but he was still afraid of Jake hurting himself or just giving up in general, he was scared to go back to his Doctor and get another bad report...*I just don't want to lose my little brother* Logan confessed in his own brain as he slowly began rubbing Jake's back bringing him closer.

"You wanna try to eat something?" Logan asked gently after they parted, "Yeah bro, I guess" Jake said shrugging, although he was still torn up inside, what Logan said did help him; he had a family, friends and millions of fans wanting him to make a full recovery, he should try for them shouldn't he? Even if without Erika his future seemed blurry...

Logan left to the kitchen, heading to the fridge looking for Jake's breakfast his mind constantly racing thinking of where they'd go from there, "How's he doing?" Mark asked from where he sat at the counter drinking coffee, "He's okay," Logan said with a bit of a sigh, "What happened last night?" Mark asked, "He collapsed" Logan confessed turning to look at him, silently reliving the horror of seeing his brother against that wall, his own blood on his face, motionless...

"Logan?" Mark questioned in concern, Logan shook out of the daze going back to look for food, getting a bowl, knife and fruits from the table and fridge. "Is his health declining?" Mark asked, seeing Logan twitch his knife stuck through a kiwi in front of him, "No!- He's just going through a rough time..." Logan muttered, he didn't want to snap at Mark, actually being grateful he still had one friend staying with him, but still hearing anything bad about Jake, theories or thoughts, they only fueled his draining anxiety...

"Logan, can we talk, for real?" Mark asked watching him cut fruit into chunks, "About what?" He questioned keeping focused, "Your family, Work, Evan being kicked out...How you feel about everything? A "caretaker" has to take care of themselves too" Mark told him, Logan sighed putting the fresh fruits into the bowl tossing Jake's salad.

"I'm tired okay? I love Jake, but..." LOgan trailed, he had nights where he hardly got rest, it was hard to take care of someone, a lot harder than he had expected, there were a lot of moments he wished his life was about living it for himself and he wasn't stressed about doibg a good job with Jake, that he could hang out with his brother, vlog, go to crazy parties like he use to...

"Of course you love Jake, Jake knows that, but I think you have to love yourself enough to take a break, no work, no Jake, just relax" Mark tried to convince him, "I'd like to bro, I really would, but Jake needs me right now, I can't just "take a break"" Logan told him, getting a fork and napkin, "Your parents are still here, let them help Jake for a while- I'll help out too, just take a couple of hours" Mark said standing up, Logan paused for a moment thinking it over, he didn't want them to be seperated, but he did feel like time to clear his mind was in order...

"I'll schedule it" Logan agreed silently, Mark patted his back, before they parted ways Logan going back into Jake's room while Mark headed back to his room.

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry about not posting in so long! Holidays and all that, how was your holiday by the way? 🤔

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