Chapter 80 Doctor of Love

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Logan sat in the waiting room, his leg bounced showing his anxiety while he scrolled on his phone, he wasn't really looking for anything or talking to anyone, it was a distractions, the bright colors held his attention and gave his hands something to do, still the sound of the clock ticking grinded on his brain as he waited for results...

Logan was able to sit in for Jake's chemo, but after explaining about Jake collapsing to his Doctor, she wanted to keep him for a while longer just for check ups, in case it was more serious than what the other hospital predicted. Although Logan ebjoyed the time on his own, he was glad to be back with his brother, he even felt a little cocky knowing how poorly Jake had treated Mark when he tried to step in, he must have been doing a good job.

Pam and Greg were suppose to drive with them to the appointment but Pam had said something aboyt them having to go back to Ohio, but she promised they'd be back soon, Logan wasn't in a position to ask why they were leaving out of the blue, he had to keep his main focus on Jake, he did wonder why they were so secretive with everything though...

Logan rested his elbows on either of his spread open legs, hands still grasping his phone, everytime he was in the cancer center, no matter how gorgeous it looked, he wanted it to be the last time, he wanted Jake to get whatever last medicine he needed and be back to being the; happy, pestering, hardworking little brother he was use to, he wanted their friendly rivalry back, he wanted everything he'd taken for granted before...

Erika took off from work, she couldn't bare to be there with all those people and fake everything, she didn't post much on social media either, after her conversation with Jake, the sound of his broken voice was trapped in her ears, she questioned everything she'd done with him, she said it was all for his benifit, but now she doubted herself...

"Hey Aaron..." Erika said watching her boyfriend waltz in, he sat by her and looked her in her reddish eyes that had puffed from her crying most of the morning, he was frowning, but instead looked concerned taking in her expression.

"Are you okay?" Aaron asked trying to hug her, she moved away from him a pained expression on her face. "Aaron, I spoke to Jake" Erika told him, she was done hiding and letting people get hurt, it hurt her to see what she'd caused, good intentions or not...

"I know, I heard you last night.." Aaron confessed moving away as well hanging his head, "I was gonna ask tell you to make your decsion, or I was walking out" Aaron said, making Erika gasp a bit, "I love you, but, it sounded like if Jake would have taken you back, you would have left me..." He said a sadness to his tone.

"Aaron thats not true-" Erika tried to convince him, "Be honest, don't spare my feelings this time- It always hurts worse that way..." Aaron said with a sigh, Erika laid her head on his shoulder, they sat in silence, subconsciously Aaron put an arm around her, there was slight tension in the air, both waiting on the other to break the ice.

"I'm worried about Jake, he's really ill, if I could make things easier for him...I would" Erika told him, "So, if being with him instead of me would make his life easier, you'd do it...?" Aaron questioned, Erika gently closed her eyes as they pricked with tears.

"Yes..." She answered, although it wasn't what Aaron would want to hear, its what she was feeling, maybe she was feeling sympathetic right then and letting that drive her thoughts, but it what was honestly on her mind...

Aaron stood up brushing Erika's head off his shoulder, "Aaron?" Erika questioning reaching at him a little, "You don't know what you want- or maybe you do, one things for sure, its not me..." Aaron said, "I'm sorry-" Erika began saying, but Aaron halted her, "Don't be, figure yourself out...And call me when you have" Aaron told her, "Are you breaking up with me...?" Erika questioned a hand to her chest as she rose up a little, Aaron smiled sadly at her, "Its for the best..." He said,

Erika came to hug him, but he rejected her, "Save it for the person you love..." He told her, before walking away getting the belongings he'd bagged up, he took those and walked out, leaving Erika staring at the door, she felt relieved, glad she wouldn't be hurting him anymore, but she couldn't pretend it didn't sting...

"Mr.Paul" Dr.Collins said walking in the room with Logan, He almost dropped his phone, jumping up in anticipation, "Dr.Collins- whats up? How's Jake?" Logan questioned, "The effects of the chemo are making him tired and nauseaous like usual...I gave him his check up, we tried to do a scan to check how the diseaase was diminishing, and well..." Dr.Collins trailed, "Well? Well what?" Logan asked frowning, "I thought it was best to use stronger medicine to flush it out" Dr.Collins explained, "Stronger medicine? Is that safe?" Logan asked skeptically, "Its either that, or waiting around to see if the normal medicine would help- which it doesn't seem to be...If we don't act as soon as we can, surgery might be in order" Dr.Collins told him, "Surgery? Surgery for what, what does he need that for?" Logan asked sounding less calm folfing his arms, "This disease damages you from the inside out, rotting and eating away at precious tissue, if it spreads too bad we have to get the rotted parts out..." Dr.Collins said trying to delicately, explain while showing him the severty of the situation.

"Go with the medicine then...You know best right?" Logan reluctantly agreed, "I already did, if you want to keep him here to be monitored how his body handles it, you can, if you want to take him home, monitor his symptoms and behaviors closely and report it at his next appointment," Dr.Collins informed him, Logan frowned a little, he was hoping this would be the start of really getting Jake back to his old self, double the medicine is a good thing right? It should help him get better twice as fast..."Thanks Doc" Logan said, she nodded before walking off, leaving Logan to make his decision...

A/N:HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! Hope this year is wonderful for you! My new series should be officially released this year! Go over to @madambird and follow it! ✍😁 ILY

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