Chapter 103 Safe with Me

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Jake seemed quiet when Logan first came in, he told Jake about everyone who came to see him, Jake smiled seeming happy about it, but his mind seemed elsewhere, he agreed to let some people see him but only briefly, hardly giving anyone time to say any encouraging words or just talk to him in general, Logan could tell something was wrong, so with Jake's team and family back in the waiting room, Logan re-entered Jake's room, where the air shifted once more...

The harsh beeps were the first things Logan heard walking into the room, his eyes were automatically searching for his younger brother though. Logan's body tensed when he saw Jake, the beeps coming from the heart monitor connected to him made him nervous right away, wondering everything they did to his brother while he was gone.

"Hey bro, what's going on?" Logan asked his voice a bit hushed as he made his way closer to Jake, only to frown noticing Jake breathing harshly, his chest pumping... up and down, up and down...

"Jake, hey, hey, whats wrong?" Logan asked grabbing his arm, trying not to sound too frantic, Jake opened his eyes slowly looking over at

Logan's weary expression over his bed.

The first things out of Jake's mouth was him cursing in pain, which only made Logan even more nervous as he crouched a little more to get to Jake's level, "Mmmmmm!" Jake moaned out closing his eyes tightly again, he felt weak not even being able to tell Logan something was wrong, but every time he felt his body throb with hot stinging pain he was unable to do much about it besides squirm and try to control his breathing.

"I-it hurts br-bro," Jake panted out staring at Logan again his own eyes misty now, "What hurts? Tell me I can call a nurse!" Logan urged him, "Ev-" Jake began speaking, but again a feeling like being stabbed everywhere at once crashed over him.

Jake had been in pain before, he'd also considered his pain tolerance pretty high, and the last months put that theory to the test, he had his weak moments, but he figured he'd handled the ache he'd been in with grace, but now...After he was stripped of any pain killer basically being left with only his willpower, he was struggling to not get hysterical; the sensations were like nothing he'd felt before, his body hurt from his head to his toes, his innards were lit on fire feeling like they were being grinded, twisted all clawed up within him, over and over again, even his blanket and hospital gown felt like it was cutting through his skin.

"MmmmMmmmm..." Jake moaned out again as his body squirmed around, he was beginning to dampen the gown on him, as he broke into a pained panicked sweat, feeling lightheaded, he suddenly got nauseaous, his body searching for something to cure itself, insisting on kicking everything out, "I'm gonna be sick, I'm gonna be sick.." Jake groaned out, feeling his stomach begin burning, like it was trying to eat itself, Logan quickly brought a trash can over by his bed, Jake flopped towards it throwing up almost as soon as he laid eyes on the thing.

"You got this bro, come on" Logan encouraged him rubbing Jake's back, feeling every jolt he did as he spit up, coughing roughly over and over again, his flod sloshing down into the bag beneath him, in between throwing up Jake would be panting hard mumbling more panicked profanity before going back at it, spitting up painful chunk after chunk, Logan's heart ached seeing Jake in so much pain his body language told him Jake was crumbling, his voice was sounding more desperate by the second, and he couldn't stop shaking.

Jakes body felt lighter after he was done throwing up, but besides being more dizzy, nothing much changed, he felt just as hurt and confused. Again Jake's breathing was rough and shaky, as his wide eyes darted around the room, there was pressure everywhere, it felt like his body was being torn apart and he couldn't do anything about it, finally his eyes looked back at Logan, his mind went almost blank, the stubborn pride was gone and all he wanted was relief from what felt like he was dying.

"I got you bro, what do you need?" Logan asked feeling a lump forming in his throat, Jake's expression was breaking his heart, it was worse then when he'd first found out about his cancer, and he debated on walking out right then and there, not wanting to let Jake see him cry. Jake bit down on his lip, trying to stifle his whimpers as his body heaved, but nothing was working, his chest was tightening now, it hurt to even breath, everytime he tried to inhale if felt like his lungs were being crushed, taking his air away, as his body became more weak and limp, his eyes blurred more with tears, and the lip caught between his teeth began to quiver.

"Lo-Logan," Jake's voice came out stuttering, his words were laced with the intense pain he was feeling, he paused again gritting his teeth shutting his eyes once more, only this time, when he opened them, a tear rolled down his cheek...

This shocked Logan already, he hadn't really seen Jake cry a lot considering the situation he was in, and to see it now...He knew Jake had to be truly suffering, Jake took in another sharp wheezing breath, coughing right after as more tears came down his face.

"I'm here Jakey, I've got you baby boy" Logan whispered to him, he wanted to tell him not to cry, or that he'd be okay, but he didn't want Jake to feel ashamed crying in front of him, and he honestly didn't know if Jake would be alright, he didn't even know taking the surgery route was going to cause all that.

"It...hurts, Oh God- Lo-Logan, it hurts," Jake cried, he could hardly catch his breath now, and was borderline getting hysterical, while Logan had hurried unto the bed, sitting there wrapping his arms around his little brother, feeling him shaking in his arms as he began wetting up Logan's shirt, sniffling as he let out strangled coughs.

Logan's grip went tighter, eventually having Jake sat in his lap facing him with his legs around his hips, Jake's body slumped into Logans, his face hidden in the crook of Logan's neck, while Logan cradled Jake's lower back and the back of his head. "I can't do- this- anymore, Mmmmm!" Jake groaned out, his body convulsing from the agony, Logan's eyes heated, tears started to run down his face as well, listening to Jake's cries of pure pain had to be the hardest thing he'd endured, feeling Jake's body struggling for some type of relief as he tried holding him steady.

Jake's breathing became very labored and heavy in Logan's ear as he moaned and groaned, dry heaving through his panting,

"You got this bro, your a savage, you just got to hold on," Logan tried to coax him, trying to keep his own voice steady while he stroked the back of Jake's head to comfort him, Jake just let out a frustrated pained squeak back at him, so Logan, praying in his head the Doctors would be there soon, kept trying;

"Come on Jaker, if you give up now, how are you going to get your lambo?"

"There's millions of fans all waiting for you to come back,"

"You wanted to be an actor bro, you have to show everyone you can be! With or without Disney"

"Your a strong kid Jake, you're the strongest person I know, you can do this, I know you can," Logan told him, gently rocking Jake in his arms, hardly having any time to wipe away his own tears, as he heard Jake softly crying into his shirt, unable to speak now...

Logan swallowed hard, his own eyes burning, but still he cleared his throat to speak again, when the Doctors and Nurses finally came in, mask and gloves on, with a stretcher prepared to take Jake in for surgery...

A/N: Sorry I've been gone so long guys! ❤ I want to make this great for y'all, also my life has gotten a bit hectic lately, but I will be done super soon ILY always!❤🐥

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