Chapter 79 Unlocked

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"Jake? UH, you okay in there?" Mark asked knocking on the bathroom door, Pam had gone to bed now, and Greg was already asleep, Mark had went to hover around Jake one last time to see if he needed anything before he got invested watching or playing anything, staying up till Logan was back still. Mark got the tail end of Jake's muffled talking before everything went silent in the bathroom, he was worried he'd already messed up by leaving Jake and wanted to quickly handle anything before Jake was hurt or Logan came back.

Jake had hoped it was Logan coming in to check on him, or his mother so he could say how he was really feeling, Mark, although a friend, wasn't close enough for him to explain what was going on. Jake cleared his throat a few times before trying to speak, "Go away" Jake mustered out, he didn't want to be rude, but he didn't want to be bothered even more...

Mark was taken by surprise at Jake's answer, he wasn't sure if he should keep knocking and try to come in, or if he should just listen and leave him alone...

"I just wanted to check on you, do you need anything? Water? Medicine...?" Mark asked shifting awkwardly, this was his first time really "caring" for Jake, and he already felt as though he was doing it wrong, "I want you to leave me alone" Jake told him again, as he felt a stab of ache shoot through his abdomen, he bit the inside of his cheek keeping himself from groaning, hoping Mark would just walk out so he could hobble back to bed, and try to sleep away what he felt...

"Come on Jake, are you okay?" Mark asked again, "Mark, I'm not a kid bro, I told you to get away from my door" Jake said getting irritated, he was overwhelemed with everything, and having some guy he barely knew pestering him was really getting on his nerves. Mark struggled with leaving or not, Jake was right, he was in his right mind as far as Mark knew, and should be able to decide who he wanted around him, but he also didn't want to walk away where he could have helped a situation. Mark went on and walked out leaving Jake alone, not wanting to excite him too much, still feeling uncomfortable with hearing Jake's mumbling from earlier, but there wasn't much he could do at the moment besides wait.

Logan walked through the halls of his apartment building looking for his door, he was humming to himself a small smile on his face, he felt more relaxed now, he hadn't wanted to leave, but he felt better he took time for himself to unwind, recconnect with the world around him, he was for once really able to think about the situation he and his family were in, be upset with it without feeling like he was constanly trying to fix everything as it fell down around him...It was refreshing.

Logan put his keys in the door, soon unlocking it and walking in, the place was mostly quiet, his pets were already asleep, and as far as Logan could see, only Mark was awake sitting on the couch playing a game on his phone.

"Oh hi Mark" Logan greeted coming in, Mark did a double take before chuckling a little, he stood up giving Logan a one-armed hug, "What's up? Did you have a good time?" Mark asked as they seperated, "Yeah, it was good" Logan said putting his hands in his pockets a grin reapperaing oh his face, "Having time alone gave me ideas for new vlogs too" He said going to sit down on the couch resting his arms across the back.

"Sounds good bro..." Mark said, he was unsure if he should mention what happened with Jake, Logan looked more peacful now and he didn't was to ruin that. "Okay, breaks over, hows Jake? The kids got an appointment coming up" Logan said leaning back into the couch looking at Mark for the report, "Jakes good, he uh, he woke up for a while though" Mark said scratching the back of his neck, "Is he okay?" Logan asked sitting up again frowning a little, "He is," Mark lied awkwardly, Logan stood up looking skeptical, "Did something happen?" Logan questioned, "No, everythings fine, don't worry bro" Mark told him putting his hand on Logan's shoulder, Logan studied his face before pushing by him going to Jakes room.

Mark froze, he wanted to stop Logan, but it would only make him more suspicious. "Jake? Bro?" Logan called for him stepping into the room, he was about to turn on the light but noticed Jake laying in bed, he walked over standing beside Jake's bed, he was laying on his side, eyes shut hugging himself in the hoodie Logan had gave him.

Logan smiled a little leaned down rubbing Jake's head softly, everythung looked normal to him, Jake's chest rose and fell, and he was gently snoring, although he was gonna tease him in the morning about keeping his hoodie on. Logan pulled the blankets on him tighter tucking him in before walking out.

"He looks okay to me" Logan told Mark, "I was just nervous I guess- Jake can be mean when he wants to" Mark said chuckling in relief

"Bro, I lived with him for years- I know" Logan laughed, "Night bro," He said walking away, Mark gave one last gaze towards Jakes eoom before heading to bed as well...

Logan sat in the drivers seat of his car, it was early the next morning, the wind was brisk, and the light was still dull, Jake was sitting beside him in the passengers seat, he'd been talking on and off, mostly dozing off, Jake seemed off to Logan, like something was troubling him, but he was going through a lot, so Logan didn't was to press him.

"We're here" Logan announced as he parked the car at the Cancer center, he nudged Jake whom was dozing once again, "H-huh, oh" Jake muttered sitting up about to open the car door, but Logan grabbed his arm.

"Brother Jake...You good?" Logan asked pulling down his shades arching his eyebrow, "Yeah, I just, I don't feel good bro" Jake told him looking back at Logan, "Its okay to have an off day bro, Doctor Collins will get you back to yourself" Logan assured him, "I hope so" Jake said before they got out, Jake was walking slower then normal, he seemed like he was shaking from the steps he took, which Logan frowned at, it alar!ed him further when Jake began leaning on him as they walked.

"Jake, did something happen?" Logan asked again, trying not to sound as nervous as he was, "No, I- actually, can we talk later?" Jake asked giving in a little, as he looked up at Logan, "Yeah, sure bro" Logan agreed, he gently held Jake helping him in, keeping an eye on him as they went in for his check up, although still optomistic for good news, Jake didn't look well at all...

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