Chapter 43 Take care of Business

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Jake's body was trembling, it was the kind of fear that blanked out his mind, made his head ache and tore his stomach to painful shreds,
it was a sickening feeling, so numbing yet it hurt so terribly... absolute torture, and it was not going away, it just got worse and worse. Jake couldn't focus on anything, everything came at him at once and he felt on the verge of tears, he gritted his teeth trying to hold it back... Everything he'd gone through even since being back home in Ohio, to coming out there to LA, working hard every day and night, it suddenly wouldn't matter, his felt like his life was being taken away, his throat ached from trying not to let anything out and his eyes burned and blurred.

Logan opened his arms stepping forwards slightly to take Jake into his embrace, he held him close letting him basically fall into him.
Logan swallowed hard, seeing the raw hurt on Jake's face as he started coming to terms with his condition, destroyed him inside.

Logan began rubbing Jake's back as Jake slowly wrapped his arms around him. Logan's heart jumped when he heard Jake sniffle, this wasn't from the sickness...He could feel his shirt get wet from Jake's eyes, which only made him tear up.

"Jake...Bro, come on don't cry" Logan said softly, his grip on Jake getting a little tighter, Jake was such a strong person, he'd faced a lot of things people his age wouldn't even think of dealing with, he faced things Logan hadn't even delt with himself, and he'd been so brave with all of it, he did it with an unbreakable smile, now here they were...Both trying to keep from sobbing.

*It was suppose to be the rise of the Paul's...It was never suppose to go down like this* Logan thought grievously

Logan slowly walked Jake to the couch where he sat them both down, as soon as they sat Jake buried his face back in Logan's shirt trying hard to not let Logan see him as he strained not to cry.
"Jake, Jaker, stop, stop, what are the tears for bro?" Logan asked gently still petting Jake's back, Jake made his hands into trembling fist clinging unto Logan's shirt still refusing to speak, "Jake, come on, I hate this, this isn't you bro, why are you crying? You can tell me bro" Logan told him, he waited for a while just holding Jake until he finally heard Jake cough clearing his throat a bit.

"I'm scared" Jake rasped out, it was embarrassing to admit but in this situation he let down his guards briefly finding comfort with Logan. "Why are you scared bro? There's nothing to be scared of" Logan told him, truthfully he was scared too, but he had to be there for Jake, be something he could lean on right then...
"Logan..." Jake spoke again, he moved back a little looking Logan dead in the eye for a moment, "I don't want to die Logan" Jake told him tears falling from his eyes now, "I-I don't wa-want to die, I'm scared" Jake's voice cracked as he began crying again he was obviously still fighting hard not to, but tears wouldn't stop coming, Logan felt a tear escape his eye, he quickly wiped it up before hugging onto his baby brother again.

Mustering his strength to speak Logan tried calming Jake down again, there was no worse feeling clinging on to someone he loved so deeply as they shared their fears, Jake didn't cry for just anything...He was seriously petrified of loosing his life to this disease...

"Jake, shhh, shh, don't cry, you aren't going to die Jake" Logan tried to soothe him, fighting hard not to start sobbing himself, "Listen, listen," Logan whispered cuddling Jake against him trying to keep him stable, "Jake Paul is a lot of things, people could say a lot of things about you, haters or whoever can talk, but one thing they can't say is that you're a quitter, you're strong Jake, you're brave, you're one of the hardest working people I've ever seen, and if you could be all those things in tough times before, you can beat this Jake, I promise your going to, and I'm going to be right beside you the whole way through" Logan assured him, he felt Jake hug him tighter in response.

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