Chapter 57 Harder than I thought

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"How are you feeling bro?" Logan asked as he walked into Jake's room, it was quiet in there besides the light sounds from Jake's humidifier in the corner of the room, Jake was lying on his back, his pillow propping up his head the room was mostly dark besides the light from the open door and Jake's phone charging.

"you ready to get up?" Logan asked turning on the light before approaching the bed, Jake turned to look at him, his mask over his mouth and nose, he looked really fatigued, his complexion ashen and his breathing was very light.

Jake began speaking but groaned before he got a word out, which set off Logan's alarms, he came over sitting at his bed-side his forehead creasing in worry, "Hey, hey, you okay buddy?" Logan asked his voice coming out softer than he meant for it to, "I'm good" Jake said his tone a bit weak, "Are you sure? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Logan asked him, Jake sat up seeing how upset Logan was becoming, "I'm really good, I just feel a little drained today" Jake told him, "Can you get up?" Logan asked, Jake seemed to take that as a challenge, and pushed himself to get out of bed, he tried to blank out his mind as he got out of bed; The pain was stabbing through him, it felt as though something was sharing his skin with him trying to get out...Or eat him from the inside, slowly gnawing at his tendons, sawing and grinding at his bones desperately trying to get to the marrow trapped inside, stretching at his skin till it stung and burned with rawness, Jake felt like he was blacking out with each time he moved his body, he had always had a high pain tolerance but this was really testing how much he could handle and trying with each passing day to push him to his limits, today in particular he felt like giving in...

"You good? are you sure your good?" Logan said his tone just on the  verge of a concerned panic and trying to stay calm, he stood slowly with Jake trying to keep his hands out to hold him in case he fell "Can, I, have, my pain, pills?" Jake asked his voice was strained and a bit breathy, just moving was so much more difficult now and he wasn't sure why, his body was heating and he felt his stomach churning and getting nauseous, he couldn't tell if he was feeling sick or if the pain was so bad it was causing him to feel like vomiting, his body searching for any type of relief from the torment it was in.

"Just sit back down, I'll get them" Logan assured, he carefully helped him sit on the edge of the bed, wincing as he saw the pained look on Jake's face, he was gripping the sheets of the bed after he sat and squeezed his eyes shut, seeming to be trying to tell himself he would be okay mentally.

Logan dashed out going into the kitchen frantically looking for Jake's pills, "Wanna go get breakfast?" Logan heard Evan asked as he entered the kitchen, Evan was still upset with the arrangements, and was trying desperately to get Logan alone so he could see about getting them fixed again, "I don't have time" Logan told him as he quickly got pain pills and a glass of water, "Logan wait just a minute-!" Evan began trying to get his attention again, Logan basically mowed over him going to Jake's room again, feeling his heart pounding as he rushed to his brother, Evan cursed under his breath at him before stomping back to his and Mark's shared room slamming the door.

"Okay, okay, water, pain pills," Logan said as soon as he got to Jake, Jake opened his eyes to look at him, his eyes just slightly damp, he hadn't been crying, but the pain was putting him on the verge of it, Logan automatically felt his legs shake feeling almost jelly like, he felt his stomach sink, and his heart was still pounding in his head, all he could think to himself was if Jake cried from the pain he was in, he was sure he would start crying right along with him, he thought he'd be stronger than this, but seeing his baby brother hurting like that was making him experience emotions he'd always been either numb to or tried to hide from....

Logan struggled before getting the bottle open shaking out two pills for Jake, Jake's shaky hand took the small pills out of the palm of Logan's hand, he wanted to speak but he wasn't entirely sure what would come out, and he didn't want to scare Logan, or even shock himself... Jake put them on his tongue before swallowing down the water in a slow big gulp, his body still rattling as he did so, Logan sat beside him rubbing his back, "Are you okay?" He asked, Jake let out a huge sigh as he put his hands on his legs, trying to steady himself, taking in slow, shallow breaths letting them back out with shudders.

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