Chapter 63 Blissful Ignorance

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Jake frowned as he slowly opened his eyes, his stomach was flopping, and he felt his body heating up, the ceiling looked like it was spinning, he felt dizzy and out of it, and could even feel as sweat dripped down his face, Jake gasped starting to pant a bit, desperate to get the blankets off of him, just as he was about to move he felt something snuggle next to him.

Jake looked over seeing Erika, her long brunette hair sprawled everywhere, her naked natural face, pouting looking full lips, Jake was laying on his back now, Erika's leg thrown on his torso her head on his shoulder arms around him under the blankets.

Jake was suddenly put at ease, he halted his breathing watching Erika, *She's so beautiful* Jake thought putting his hand over caressing her cheek, holding her face in his hand for a moment, watching as she slept, "Erika, Erika" Jake said gently, nudging her, he'd rather let her sleep, but he was sure he'd gotten a fever, and felt so sick and nauseous, he could have spewed...

"Hmm, Mmm?" Erika mumbled, eyes still closed as she began stirring, Jake chuckled lightly kissing her cheek, "Wake up babe" He whispered again gently moving her hair from her face, "Let me sleep in, Aaron" Erika sleepy giggled, snuggling him again, Jake's smile turned into a confused one, "Aaron?" Jake repeated, suddenly Erika's eyes shot open registering Jake's voice.

"Who's Aaron?" Jake asked her sitting up a little as Erika slowly did the same, Erika felt her chest tightened as she begin trying to formulate what to say, and how to say it her heart beating quickly, Jake suddenly lurched forwards holding his mouth with his hand, before getting out of bed wobbling to the bathroom almost falling several times, before Erika heard him vomiting, Erika cringed, listening as he coughed loudly, the loud gutteral sounds of his gaging, and the disgusting plop of the vomit hitting the water making Erika feel sick as well, although she was thankful for the distraction.

Jake fell to his knees gagging, he had to remind himself it was only the medicine making him feel this sick, he tried to remember the doctor said he was getting better,even though he didn't feel it right then, Jake felt his mouth pooling with saliva as his stomach tightened and swayed, he shuddered as he spewed again, feeling as the snot and whatever food and other fluids he had mixed together crawling up his throat, with ever bit of vomit he spit up he felt more dizzy, his head throbbing as his body quivered from the fever.
Jake briefly thought about calling out for Logan, just to give him some stability, but he soon felt a warm hand on his back slowly rubbing circles in it.

"Are you okay baby?" Erika's soft, raspy morning voice cooed, Jake looked up at her panting still feeling woozy, Erika got on her knees beside him, putting her arms around his torso hugging him, continuing to rub his back the sweat getting on her hand while she felt his body still convulse from vomiting.

Although Erika felt terrified, and wanted to Sprint out, she couldn't leave him like that, he was sick and hurting, she cared too deeply for him to be worried about him being mad at her or remembering Aaron...

Jake sniffled loudly, trying to keep his nose from running, the fever keeping him nauseous, tired, nose runny and the rest of him sweaty, Jake stared at Erika while she was rubbing him, so gently her hands warm and comforting, trying to relax him, her eyes closed while she held him. Jake was in love with her, he'd said it so many times to her in his brain, having her next to him like this made him believe she loved him too; he didn't have money, he wasn't posting anymore for her to get clout off of him, he was sick and basically alone if it wasn't for Logan, but here she was on the bathroom floor with him
holding him, no care for how nasty it must have been to be down there so close to the floor with the sickening smells spewing from the toilet.

"There you two are" Logan said coming in getting their attention, "You aren't smashing on my floor are you?" Logan asked making Erika turn red and Jake roll his eyes at him, "I'm joking, I heard you throwing up bro, you good?" Logan asked helping him up out of Erika's arms, "I'm hot" Jake slurred, "Hey Erika, mind leaving us alone for a while?" Logan asked frowning, "Oh, uh sure, I have to do anyways..." Erika said mumbled, internally grateful Logan came in and broke them up before she had to explain herself, "No come back, gimmie kiss" Jake said reaching at her again, Erika smiled walking over kissing his cheek, "She's got to go bro, I need to give you your medicine and food for the day" Logan told him desperately concerned with monitoring Jake, since talking to his Doctor...

"Bye Jake" Erika said waving at him, Jake smiled at her, but there was something different in his face from earlier, it was full of love for her, but she could tell he was curious, which only made her swallow nervously before dashing out.

"Why don't you lie down? I'll get you some fresh clothes and something to eat" Logan told him patting his shoulder, "hey Logan..." Jake said still seeming a bit distracted, "Yeah?" Logan said stopping at the exit turning to look at him, "...Has Erika ever mentioned the name "Aaron" around you?" Jake asked still sounding distant, before sitting down on the bed, "Aaron? No, who's that?" Logan questioned, "Never mind," Jake muttered shaking his head, "O...k? What do you want to eat? pea soup or tomato?" Logan asked, "Tomato.." Jake said laying down, "Coming right up!" Logan said with a grin before walking out shutting the door.

Jake felt uneasy but he tried to relax as he snuggled with his pillows, Inhaling Erika's scent still on them, *Erika loves me, and I love her* He told himself...

A/N: Hi guys! You followed MadamBird   yet?! Be some of the first to read the pilot! And see when new chapters are added weekly!🐣

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